Materials of a bite splint

Synonyms Crunch splint, relaxation splintMany people today suffer from temporomandibular joint problems. What starts with a slight crackling now and then when yawning can turn into pain with every movement over time, which makes everyday life more difficult and requires a solution. The causes can be manifold, mostly it is an overloading or permanent wrong … Materials of a bite splint

Risks | Materials of a bite splint

Risks The plastics used in dentistry have evolved over time and are now much better tolerated than a few years ago. However, especially with hot and cold polymers, a residual monomer content remains in the finished prosthesis or bite splint, which can be released into the wearer’s organism over time and possibly cause incompatibilities. This … Risks | Materials of a bite splint

Occlusion Therapy

It is scientifically proven that deviations in occlusion (bite position) of 0.01 mm are perceived, deviations of 0.1 mm can disturb the masticatory apparatus to such an extent that bruxism (crunching) occurs. These deviations cause us to “grind in” or reduce the disturbing area with the opposing dentition during sleep. This results in extremely high … Occlusion Therapy

Bite splint for teeth

A bite splint is a plastic splint individually made to fit the patient’s teeth. In dentistry, it is used as an important therapeutic aid to reduce existing complaints and incorrect loading in the area of the teeth, jaws and jaw joints. Synonymous to the term “bite splint“, the terms bite splint, night splint, bite splint … Bite splint for teeth

Cleaning the bite splint | Bite splint for teeth

Cleaning the bite splint Cleaning is relatively uncomplicated and should be done at least once a day after wearing with non-abrasive toothpaste and toothbrush. Thorough cleaning prevents accumulation of bacteria that can lead to caries or other diseases (e.g. gingivitis) on the teeth. To prevent the occurrence of discoloration or solid deposits, it is recommended … Cleaning the bite splint | Bite splint for teeth

Does a crunch splint help against snoring? | Bite splint for teeth

Does a crunch splint help against snoring? A crunch splint cannot be used for therapy against snoring. For this purpose there are special splints in dentistry, which are called snoring splints or protrusion splints. These consist of two jointed, interconnected plastic splints, which push the lower jaw slightly forward (protrusion). This improves the respiratory flow … Does a crunch splint help against snoring? | Bite splint for teeth


Synonyms Shot bite, bit closure Definition Occlusion is the position of the lower row of teeth in relation to the upper row in the final bite, or more simply, the bite between the upper and lower jaws. In the final bite, the rows of teeth meet in the occlusal position and form the occlusal plane. … Occlusion

Consequences of occlusion disorders | Occlusion

Consequences of occlusion disorders The effects of a disturbance of the physiological occlusion can lead to quite unpleasant complaints. In particular, the unbalanced load on individual teeth damages the periodontium. But the temporomandibular joint and the masticatory muscles are also affected by the unbalanced load. The consequences are pain in the tooth, in the jaw … Consequences of occlusion disorders | Occlusion

Two-component Adhesive: Applications & Health Benefits

Two-component glue is familiar to most people from everyday life. With this, a wide variety of things can be glued together in a flash and very firmly. But two-component adhesives also exist in dentistry. What is a two-component adhesive? Two-component adhesives also exist in dentistry. Two-component adhesives, also called two-component adhesives or 2K adhesives, belong … Two-component Adhesive: Applications & Health Benefits