Diagnosis of bleeding gums | Bleeding gums

Diagnosis of bleeding gums If gum bleeding occurs frequently, there is a risk of the inflammation spreading to important structures of the periodontium. In the worst case, the loss of actually perfectly healthy teeth can follow. For this reason, affected patients should consult their family dentist or a specialist in periodontology as soon as possible. … Diagnosis of bleeding gums | Bleeding gums

Gum bleeding costs | Bleeding gums

Gum bleeding costs The costs of professional tooth cleaning are usually not covered by the statutory health insurance companies, even if the gums bleed. As a result, the patient has to pay the costs himself, unless he has taken out additional dental insurance. The price fluctuates on average between 70 and 150 euros. All articles … Gum bleeding costs | Bleeding gums

Information about gingivitis | Ointments for the treatment of gingivitis

Information about gingivitis Gingivitis is one of the most common diseases of the oral cavity. In dental terminology, this term describes the presence of inflammatory processes that affect the gum tissue and can have serious consequences. Although the gums are anatomically part of the so-called periodontium, gum inflammation must be distinguished from periodontitis from a … Information about gingivitis | Ointments for the treatment of gingivitis

When should I go to the dentist in case of gingivitis? | Ointments for the treatment of gingivitis

When should I go to the dentist in case of gingivitis? Gingivitis can remain undetected for a long time, as it usually does not cause pain. When first indications appear, such as redness or blood in the toothpaste saliva, it is advisable to consult a dentist already now. The longer you delay the visit, the … When should I go to the dentist in case of gingivitis? | Ointments for the treatment of gingivitis

Tooth filling with cement

Introduction Caries is widespread and almost everyone has had a carious tooth at some time or another. Either in the front or on the large molars – caries attacks and decomposes the hard tooth substance. Thus the bacteria succeed in penetrating further and further into the inside of the tooth. The only way to remove … Tooth filling with cement

Pulp (tooth marrow)

Introduction The anatomy of the tooth essentially consists of three layers. In the crown area the outermost layer is the enamel, the hardest substance of the body. This is followed by the dentin or dentin bone and inside is the pulp. The root of the tooth is the outermost layer and surrounds a third hard … Pulp (tooth marrow)

Tooth Marrow Inflammation | Pulp (tooth marrow)

Tooth Marrow Inflammation Pulpitis (tooth pulp inflammation) is a disease characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes within the tooth pulp. The main reasons for the development of pulpitis are mechanical, thermal and chemical irritations. Metabolic products of bacteria, deep carious defects and/or cracks in the tooth structure can also lead to pulpitis. In the … Tooth Marrow Inflammation | Pulp (tooth marrow)