Vertigo training

Introduction Various disorders of the human balance organ cause dizziness symptoms. Dizziness training is intended to counteract this by training our organs of equilibrium. Dizziness training can alleviate and in some cases even shorten the symptoms. In addition to balance and coordination, blood circulation, respiration and caution are promoted. Furthermore, the dizziness training can be … Vertigo training

Dizziness training for Menière’s disease | Vertigo training

Dizziness training for Menière’s disease Meniere’s disease is a form of vertigo characterized by a rotational dizziness with vomiting that persists for hours and is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the ear and increasing hearing loss. Affected persons are often exposed to great suffering. Its cause appears to be due to an increase … Dizziness training for Menière’s disease | Vertigo training

Who does a vertigo training? | Vertigo training

Who does a vertigo training? Dizziness training is usually offered to individuals by physiotherapists and physiotherapists. For these forms of therapy, a prescription can often even be issued by the treating physician. Those who suffer particularly from dizziness can also complete the dizziness training as part of a rehabilitation or cure. Dizziness training is also … Who does a vertigo training? | Vertigo training

Vertigo training according to Epley | Vertigo training

Vertigo training according to Epley The Epley maneuver is designed to remove the causative trigger for benign paroxysmal postural vertigo. Free-moving otoliths in the archways transmit misleading information to the brain. They do not match those of the other sensory organs. With the help of a fixed sequence of different movement maneuvers, one tries to … Vertigo training according to Epley | Vertigo training

What is mental vertigo training | Vertigo training

What is mental vertigo training Mental vertigo training combines two therapeutic approaches. The first is to work on psychological stress and other mental triggers of dizziness and thus minimize the symptoms. At the same time, mental vertigo training represents a kind of behavioral therapy. Here, affected persons learn to perform all everyday movements despite the … What is mental vertigo training | Vertigo training