Dying in a Hospice

Dealing with death and the process of dying is slowly being rethought in German society through hospice work. Many people find it difficult to come to terms with saying goodbye to life; the thought of the end is pushed far away. This is because the subject of “dying” is fraught with anxiety and fear, and … Dying in a Hospice

Palliative therapy

Definition Palliative therapy is a special therapy concept that can be used in terminally ill patients when no further measures can be taken that could lead to the healing of the patient. Accordingly, it is a concept that accompanies patients at the end of their lives and is intended to alleviate their suffering without being … Palliative therapy

Palliative therapy for breast cancer | Palliative therapy

Palliative therapy for breast cancer Today, breast cancer is curable in many cases if the disease is detected early enough. Unfortunately, there are still patients who are so far advanced that a cure with conventional therapies is not to be expected. These patients should be introduced to a palliative therapy concept at an early stage, … Palliative therapy for breast cancer | Palliative therapy

Prognosis | Trisomy 18

Prognosis Unfortunately, the prognosis for trisomy 18 is very poor. About 90% of the affected fetuses die in the womb during pregnancy and are not born alive. Unfortunately, the mortality of the born babies is also extremely high. On average, only about 5% of affected infants reach an age of more than 12 months. On … Prognosis | Trisomy 18

Trisomy 18

Definition Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards syndrome, is a serious genetic mutation. In this case, chromosome 18 occurs three times instead of the usual two times in the body cells. After trisomy 21, also called Down syndrome, trisomy 18 is the second most common: on average, about 1 in 6000 births is affected. Edwards … Trisomy 18

What happens when you die?

Dying process in the human body According to palliative medical practitioners, the dying process is in many cases perceived as peaceful by those affected. As a rule, the last days of life are spent in a state of introspection and the body slowly begins to shut down organ functions. These signs can often look very … What happens when you die?