Homeopathy for dark circles

Every person gets circles under the eyes in the course of his life. This is a wrinkled appearance of the skin of the eyelids. In addition, there is often a slight swelling and darkening of the skin area. Circles under the eyes occur primarily in older people, but they can also occur – due to … Homeopathy for dark circles

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for dark circles

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients: Remescar Eye Circles & Lachrymal Sacks Cream is a complex product consisting of many active ingredients. These include magnesium and sodium, among others. Effect: Remescar Eye Circles & Tear Sacks Cream reduces existing dark circles under the eyes. It has a decongesting and tightening effect on the … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for dark circles

Further alternative forms of therapy | Homeopathy for dark circles

Further alternative forms of therapy In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dark circles under the eyes are considered a holistic problem of the body. Accordingly, the causes are addressed and psychological problems are also treated. Traditional Chinese Medicine includes various massages for the muscles in the facial area when treating dark circles under the eyes. This allows … Further alternative forms of therapy | Homeopathy for dark circles

Euphrasia officinalis

Other term Eyebright Application of Euphrasia officinalis for the following diseases in homeopathy Condition after eye injuries with resulting inflammation Use of Euphrasia officinalis for the following symptoms Thick, creamy pus Sore discharge with photophobia Active Organs Outer eye Blindfolds Usual dosage Commonly used: Drops Euphrasia officinalis D2, D4, D6 Ampoules Euphrasia officinalis D3, D4, … Euphrasia officinalis