Symptoms | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

Symptoms The symptoms of astigmatism (astigmatism, astigmatism) depend on the severity of the curvature of the cornea, since this results in refractive errors of varying degrees. A slight astigmatism is often not noticed by those affected. However, if the astigmatism is more pronounced, the clear astigmatism is noticeable due to blurred vision at near and … Symptoms | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

History | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

History While regular astigmatism (astigmatism, astigmatism) does not normally change over the course of life, irregular astigmatism can progress steadily. This is especially the case when there is a permanent malformation of the cornea, in which the center of the cornea grows conically forward (so-called keratoconus). If the astigmatism is not corrected, severe headaches must … History | Astigmatism: Blurred Vision

Eye surgery

General Information Eye operations are considered as therapy if visual aids and eye medicines can no longer help to improve the symptoms. They are therefore regarded as a last resort to alleviate a visual impairment or to cure a serious eye disease. The most common eye operation currently performed is cataract surgery, which is performed … Eye surgery

Laser treatments | Eye surgery

Laser treatments State-of-the-art laser surgical techniques called “laser epitelial keratomileusis” (LASEK) and “laser in-situ keratomileusis” (LASIK) are used to grind the inside of the cornea with an excimer laser until normal refractive power and thus the eye’s vision is restored. LASEK is used to correct myopia down to minus six diopters and hyperopia up to … Laser treatments | Eye surgery

Costs of Lasik – OP

General Lasik is a surgical therapy option to treat defective vision. It is the most common procedure to correct defective vision with a laser. The Lasik operation can be performed with different methods and equipment. For example, a laser can be used to correct this refractive error, which can make the wearing of glasses or … Costs of Lasik – OP

Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

After awakening from anesthesia, if the patient suffers from nausea Patients with reduced liver function may experience prolonged nausea after awakening from anesthesia. Nux vomica/Brechnuss can be used for People with hectic lifestyles Irritant abuse in the evening before bedtime Morning nausea and vomiting Feeling of fullness, flatulence after eating Liver swelling and tension pain … Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

For pain after surgery | Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

For pain after surgery StaphisagriaStephanskraut can be used when the pain is felt like sore and after smooth cuts. It is also suitable for very moody patients with an irritable mood, who are shy and easily offended. StaphisagriaStephanskraut is also useful when the symptoms are aggravated by anger, grief and early in the morning after … For pain after surgery | Homeopathic remedies after surgery as an accompanying therapy

Astigmatism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In astigmatism, astigmatism or astigmatism, the healthy curvature of the cornea is impaired due to various possible causes. Recognition of dots is affected as a result; they are perceived as strokes. What is corneal astigmatism? Astigmatism is also known as corneal curvature or astigmatism and is an eye defect that can affect sharp vision. Astigmatism … Astigmatism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The Lasik – OP

Procedure Overall, Lasik surgery changes the shape of the cornea. In the case of myopia a flattening of the cornea is desired, in the case of hyperopia a splitting by Lasik to correct the visual defect. After the eye has been anaesthetized (topical anaesthesia), the patient is given an eyelid retractor for an optimal overview … The Lasik – OP