Medical evaluation of therapeutic fasting | Fasting cure

Medical evaluation of therapeutic fasting From medical viewpoint nothing speaks with a healthy adult with good physical condition against the execution of a short time therapeutic chamfering cure. One should undergo a physical examination by a doctor beforehand and be checked for complaints. If the side effects are too strong, one must also think about … Medical evaluation of therapeutic fasting | Fasting cure

Does the health insurance pay for therapeutic fasting? | Fasting cure

Does the health insurance pay for therapeutic fasting? Heilfasten in stationary or ambulatory framework is expensive and is taken over in the fewest cases by the legal health insurance companies. Cures in hotels are not paid for, in the case of an inpatient stay only if there is a strict medical indication. Approval of the … Does the health insurance pay for therapeutic fasting? | Fasting cure

Ramadan and Diet

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, during which time it is considered a religious duty for all Muslims to fast. But Ramadan does not only mean to abstain from eating as well as drinking from the time of dawn until sunset. According to the Koran, the taking of medication is also not … Ramadan and Diet

Drug picture | Schüssler Salt No. 10: Sodium sulfuricum

Drug picture In the theory of Schüssler salts the so-called face analysis is found. This is based on the assumption that certain character traits consume more trace elements and electrolytes than others. This in turn leads to certain symptoms, which also manifest themselves on the face and can be recognized directly by an experienced person. … Drug picture | Schüssler Salt No. 10: Sodium sulfuricum

Cycle Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Menstrual disorders, menstrual irregularities, or menstrual cramps are symptomatic disruptions of a woman’s healthy cycle. What are cycle disorders? Deviations from a woman’s normal menstrual cycle are called cycle disorders. In this case, either the interval between menstruation or the strength of bleeding are changed. First of all, it should be clarified what actually cycle … Cycle Disorders: Causes, Treatment & Help

Slimming with salts

Introduction What’s the process of losing weight? There are different protocols for taking a cure with salts, even whole books about how to proceed with a certain weight loss strategy. The intake plans range from at least one to several weeks. Most plans last from four to six weeks. What most of them have in … Slimming with salts

Dosage | Slimming with salts

Dosage To reach the right destination, salts first have to be diluted similar to homeopathic medicines. This is usually done with the help of milk sugar. In the undiluted state, they would be much too concentrated and would therefore be excreted directly by the body without being absorbed first. Dilution is therefore also called potentiation … Dosage | Slimming with salts