What is the implantation bleeding? | The implantation of the egg cell

What is the implantation bleeding? Nidation bleeding is a classic sign of the implantation of the egg. The bleeding is caused by the fusion, i.e. the “fusing” of the outer cells of the germ (syncytiotrophoblasts) and the cells of the endometrium. The lining of the uterus is maximally thickened in the second half of the … What is the implantation bleeding? | The implantation of the egg cell

When does the implantation take place? | The implantation of the egg cell

When does the implantation take place? The current procedure for the implantation of an egg cell is as follows: During the 2nd to 5th day of embryonic development, the germ migrates through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. On day 5, the blastocyst hatches out of the vitreous and is ready for implantation. The implantation … When does the implantation take place? | The implantation of the egg cell

Reduce labia minora

Introduction The reduction of labia minora or labiaplasty has gained popularity in recent years. A complete shave in the genital area emphasizes the aesthetic aspect of the external genital organ. In the most common anatomical variant of labia minora, the inner labia are covered by the outer labia. In other cases the labia are enlarged … Reduce labia minora

Procedure of the operation | Reduce labia minora

Procedure of the operation Before the operation, there are detailed discussions to clarify individual ideas, as well as detailed physical examinations with target definition. The surgical procedure is performed in consultation with the patient either under local anesthesia, twilight sleep or general anesthesia. Depending on the choice of the clinic and the doctor performing the … Procedure of the operation | Reduce labia minora

Transcortin: Function & Diseases

Transcortin belongs to the group of globulins. They serve to transport various components such as hormones fromm the site of production to the site of action. Transcortin carries glucocorticoids and progesterone through the blood. What is transcortin? Transcortin is a globulin. These are also called storage or transport proteins of blood plasma. Globulins are divided … Transcortin: Function & Diseases

Anatomy of the ovaries

Introduction The ovaries (lat. Ovaries) are among the inner female sexual organs. They are arranged in pairs and are located on either side of the uterus, to which they are connected via the fallopian tubes. The ovaries regulate the female menstrual cycle and are fundamental for achieving pregnancy. They also produce the female sex hormones, … Anatomy of the ovaries