
Products Deltamethrin is commercially available as a protector band for dogs (Scalibor). It has been approved in many countries since 2002. Structure and properties Deltamethrin (C22H19Br2NO3, Mr = 505.2 g/mol) belongs to the pyrethroids. These are synthetically produced, chemically more stable derivatives of the pyrethrins naturally occurring in certain chrysanthemums (, Dalmatian insect flower). Effects … Deltamethrin

Pimples on the face

Introduction Pus pimples on the face are a problem that affects many people even after puberty and are among the most common skin changes. These are small pustule, which lie in the facial skin and are filled with a purulent secretion. Pimples develop when the pores of the facial skin become clogged and bacteria multiply … Pimples on the face