Home remedies to treat diarrhea

Most people get diarrhea once in their lifetime. This can have numerous triggers, but is harmless in many cases. The most common causes are psychological or physical stress, infectious pathogens or an intolerance to certain foods. Diarrhoea can also occur in the context of flu-like infections or as a side effect of medication. Only in … Home remedies to treat diarrhea

Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedies to treat diarrhea

Which alternative therapy can still help? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the development of diarrhea is mainly explained by an imbalance of energy in the body. Various factors play a role, such as a lack of certain nutrients, as well as chronic exhaustion. This is mainly favored by stress and can cause diarrhea as well … Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedies to treat diarrhea

Enterococci: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Enterococci play a significant role in the intestinal flora and, correspondingly, in the immune system. However, nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infectious diseases are in many cases traceable to enterococcal strains. What are enterococci? Enterococci is the name given to a distinct genus of gram-positive lactic acid bacteria with a spherical (coccoid) morphology that belongs to the Streptococcaceae … Enterococci: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Associated symptoms | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Associated symptoms Large amounts of vitamin C can not only cause diarrhea. The strain on the gastrointestinal tract can also cause stomach cramps or nausea. These symptoms can even start before the diarrhoea starts. Just like diarrhoea, these symptoms are usually only temporary. They subside again as soon as the intake of excessive amounts of … Associated symptoms | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Duration/Prediction | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Duration/Prediction Diarrhea caused by vitamin C usually has a very good prognosis. The symptoms usually only last until the excess vitamin has been excreted from the intestine. It is naturally important not to continue to swallow too large quantities of vitamin C. Otherwise, the symptoms may reoccur or persist for a long period of time. … Duration/Prediction | Diarrhoea caused by vitamin C

Yellow Fever Virus: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

The yellow fever virus belongs to the so-called Flavi viruses and triggers the life-threatening infectious disease yellow fever. This is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes (Africa) and Haemagogus (South America). It occurs in the tropical regions of Africa and South America. Depending on the severity of the disease, infection with yellow fever virus … Yellow Fever Virus: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Pyloric stenosis in the baby

Definition A pyloric stenosis usually becomes noticeable between the second and the sixth week of life. Due to a thickening of the musculature of the so-called stomach gate, a flow obstruction of the food in the area of the stomach outlet occurs. Symptomatically, there is gushing vomiting directly after meals, accompanied by a lack of … Pyloric stenosis in the baby