ISG-Blockade release through exercises | Therapy of an ISG blockade

ISG-Blockade release through exercises

ISG blockades can be solved by specific exercises, which can be done under the guidance of a physiotherapist or on your own at home. On the one hand, certain stretching exercises are used to loosen the sacroiliac joint: in the supine position, for example, the legs can be set up and moved from one side to the other without moving the upper body or shoulders (movement only takes place in the pelvis). In the same way, only one leg can be positioned at the height of the other knee joint and pulled over the other, lying leg by hand, so that the muscles surrounding the joint are stretched.

Equally important are also stabilizing exercises for the pelvis. -/back or trunk musculature to compensate for imbalances, shortening and deficits. The Dorn method or Dorn therapy is a manual treatment method developed by the Allgäu farmer Dieter Dorn around 1975.

The method is a mixture of chiropractic, meridian theory and traditional Chinese medicine. However, it has not yet been recognized by the scientific community, as no concrete, measurable proof of its effectiveness has been provided. The Dorn Method is mainly spread in Germany and is preferably used for problems of the back and joints.

The aim of the therapy according to Dorn is to correct leg length differences and to bring vertebral bodies of the spine back into the correct position in order to correct incorrect posture and incorrect loading and to relieve pain symptoms. In this way, the therapist uses light pulling and pushing techniques and at the same time the patient moves in a targeted manner to correct incorrect posture and strain, release muscle tension and blockages and correct muscle shortening. The therapy according to Dorn can also be applied in the case of an ISG blockage and contribute to a solution of the joint tilting.

With a tennis ball it is possible to work on your own at home against the ISG blockade. The tennis ball can be used for a “self-massage” and complement the loosening massages of a physiotherapist. The tennis ball massage can be done either standing or lying down, the tennis ball is placed between the back and a wall or between back and floor. Afterwards the painful areas or pressure points can be massaged by rolling the tennis ball over the back with self-selected pressure.