Eating and Drinking with Dementia

Dementia often leads to numerous changes in older people, which often pose difficult problems for family caregivers. Eating and drinking can also be disturbed in dementia patients. Those affected then usually lose a lot of weight, which can have a negative effect on their general condition and health. There are numerous reasons why dementia patients … Eating and Drinking with Dementia

Food pyramid

As an orientation how a healthy, wholefood diet is designed, it is a valuable help as a scheme. The DGE (German Society for Nutrition) developed the Nutrition Circle for this purpose, but the food pyramid, which was worked out by American scientists, proved to be more comprehensible. It shows that all foods are allowed if … Food pyramid

Swallowing difficulties

Introduction For us, food and drink are processes of daily life. If the food is chopped in the mouth, the next step is the act of swallowing, which transports the food pulp further towards the stomach. Swallowing” refers to the closure of the windpipe by the larynx. The background is that the food pulp from … Swallowing difficulties

Swallowing difficulties with food | Swallowing difficulties

Swallowing difficulties with food Swallowing difficulties can have many causes. These include inflammation of the mouth and throat area, but also neurological diseases that no longer allow sufficient innervation and thus control of the muscles involved in the swallowing process. Further causes are diseases of the thyroid gland, psychological disorders, and of course diseases of … Swallowing difficulties with food | Swallowing difficulties