Hip pain when sitting | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip

Hip pain when sitting Many hip joint diseases can lead to pain symptoms while sitting. The cause is usually the spatial narrowness in the joint that arises in the sitting position or the changed pressure/tension ratios on certain joint structures. Hip arthrosis, which is characterized by age- or overload-related cartilage wear, can be painful both … Hip pain when sitting | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip


Warts, molluscs Medical: Mollusca contagiosaDell’s warts (also: Mollusca contagiosa, molluscs) are harmless skin changes that belong to the group of warts and are caused by a specific virus from the smallpox group, namely the DNA virus Molluscum contagiosum. This type of wart mainly affects children and young people and is highly contagious. Dell’s warts get … Molluscicles

Diagnosis | Molluscicles

Diagnosis Because of their typical appearance, dell’s warts are almost always a visual diagnosis for a doctor. Especially in the early stages, however, it is also possible that the appearance of dell’s warts is similar to other skin changes, such as common warts (verrucae vulgares), genital warts (condylomata acuminata) or fat deposits (xanthomas). In these … Diagnosis | Molluscicles

Forecast | Molluscicles

Forecast The prognosis of Dell’s warts is generally favourable: they usually disappear on their own after a certain period of time, but otherwise they always regress under appropriate therapy. However, this only applies to a limited extent to patients with a weakened immune system. In addition, once an infection with the molluscum contagiosum virus has … Forecast | Molluscicles

Courses for pregnant women

Introduction For the period of the pregnancy a multiplicity of courses is offered, whereby the offer constantly grows by rising demand and new trends. Most courses are led by midwives, but can be led by nutrition experts, for example, in the case of courses dealing with nutrition during pregnancy. The spectrum of all courses offered … Courses for pregnant women

Which courses make me fit? | Courses for pregnant women

Which courses make me fit? Even during pregnancy you can train your body and fitness. The sports courses, which are specially and sensibly designed for pregnancy, are less intensive and do not serve the goal of losing weight. Rather, the positive effects of physical activity in terms of well-being and prevention of pregnancy-associated complaints are … Which courses make me fit? | Courses for pregnant women

Are there any risks when I attend a course? | Courses for pregnant women

Are there any risks when I attend a course? Risks of the course participation are always to be evaluated individually and depend on the course of pregnancy and possible concomitant diseases of the mother. It is advisable to ask your gynecologist about your suitability for pregnancy sports courses and for recommendations regarding the choice of … Are there any risks when I attend a course? | Courses for pregnant women

Rhubarb Root

Latin name: Rheum palmatum, Rhizoma Rhei Genus: Knötterichgewächse Popular names: Medicine rhubarb (not to be confused with the garden rhubarb) Plant description A tall plant with fleshy stems and very large leaves. There are knots on the stems, typical for knotweed plants. Occurrence: Originally from North China and Tibet, where it is still found in … Rhubarb Root

Surgery for arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint

Introduction With regard to arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint, there are various forms of therapy that can be applied. In principle, a distinction is made between Which form of therapy should be considered individually depends on the degree of the disease and can vary from patient to patient. In many cases, conservative therapy methods … Surgery for arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint

Aftercare | Surgery for arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint

Aftercare The patient usually receives a splint after the operation (= postoperative) for a period of about 4 weeks. Within this splint, all joints can move freely. After immobilisation, the operated thumb is very slowly reintegrated into everyday life. This means that for a further 4 to 8 weeks, the thumb’s performance cannot yet be … Aftercare | Surgery for arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint