Geriatric dentistry

The population structure has changed fundamentally in recent years. There are more and more older people. This not only has a drastic effect on social conditions, but also creates new conditions for dental work. For example, the dentist must adapt to an increasing extent to the treatment of patients of advanced age. In addition to … Geriatric dentistry

Lymphadenitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lymphadenitis, or inflammation of the lymph nodes, is technically known as lymphadenitis. It refers to an inflammatory reaction of the lymph nodes present in the body. Often, this is directly related to a previous illness; however, in some circumstances, lymphadenitis can occur without such an illness. What is lymphadenitis? By lymphadenitis, physicians mean an inflammation … Lymphadenitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lymphopenia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lymphocytes, themselves subdivided into a variety of manifestations with different roles, are a subset of leukocytes. With few exceptions, they are part of the acquired immune defense, and their relative proportion of the total number of leukocytes is normally 25 to 45 percent of the leukocytes. If the relative proportion or absolute number falls below … Lymphopenia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lymphocytes: Function & Diseases

As a subgroup of leukocytes (white blood cells), lymphocytes play a central role in the immune defense against foreign substances, especially infectious agents, as well as pathogenically altered cells of the human organism such as tumor cells. An increased or decreased concentration of lymphocytes in the blood usually indicates a disease. What are lymphocytes? Lymphocytes … Lymphocytes: Function & Diseases

Chest Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Chest pain, or thoracic pain, is a symptom that is common in everyday medical practice. Chest pain can be a sign of dangerous diseases, which should be immediately examined by a doctor. In most cases, organs such as the heart, lungs, esophagus, or musculoskeletal system are responsible for chest pain. What is chest pain? Patients … Chest Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Doripenem: Effects, Uses & Risks

Doripenem is an active substance, which belongs to the group of carbapenems. Consequently, Doripenem is an antibiotic that is used, among other things, for the treatment of infectious diseases (e.g., pneumonia, urinary tract infections, or abdominal infections). It is administered in the European Union primarily by infusion. What is doripenem? Doripenem is an antibiotic belonging … Doripenem: Effects, Uses & Risks