Measles vaccination

Synonym Measles: Morbilli measles vaccination: MMR vaccination Introduction Measles is a typical childhood disease. The trigger for this disease is the so-called measles virus, which has evolved from the bovine pest virus. Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease that spreads rapidly among unvaccinated children. The first signs of a measles infection are the appearance … Measles vaccination

Measles vaccination for children | Measles vaccination

Measles vaccination for children Although measles is a typical childhood disease, adults who do not have sufficient vaccination protection can be infected quickly. People who work with children in kindergartens, schools, daycare centers or elsewhere are particularly at risk. Clinic personnel are also recommended to be vaccinated regularly. In contrast to children, a single injection … Measles vaccination for children | Measles vaccination

How to apply an eye ointment correctly? | Eye ointments

How to apply an eye ointment correctly? When using eye ointments, care should be taken to ensure correct application. The package insert of the ointment used should always be read carefully. The maximum daily dose should be observed carefully and not too much ointment should be applied at once. Also important is the “preparation”. Before … How to apply an eye ointment correctly? | Eye ointments

Japanese Encephalitis

Definition Japanese Encephalitis is a tropical disease that occurs mainly in East and Southeast Asia. It is caused by the Japanese Encephalitis virus, which is transmitted to humans by a mosquito bite. In most cases an infection proceeds without serious symptoms. In severe cases, however, an inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) can develop with loss … Japanese Encephalitis

Therapy of Japanese Encephalitis | Japanese Encephalitis

Therapy of Japanese Encephalitis The disease Japanese Encephalitis is caused by a virus. Unfortunately, there is currently no drug that can be used to treat the cause of the disease. Only a purely symptomatic therapy is possible, i.e. the corresponding symptom is treated. However, the course of the disease can hardly be influenced. In most … Therapy of Japanese Encephalitis | Japanese Encephalitis

Nutrition for arteriosclerosis

Introduction Arteriosclerosis is an increasing problem of western industrialized society. Along with gout, it is one of the major diseases of affluence of our time. Nutrition plays the most decisive and at the same time easiest to influence component in its development. Nevertheless, arteriosclerosis is an effect that also occurs with a supposedly “perfect” diet. … Nutrition for arteriosclerosis

What are unsaturated fatty acids? | Nutrition for arteriosclerosis

What are unsaturated fatty acids? Everything that is commonly referred to as “fats” are in fact fatty acids, or are ultimately absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract as fatty acids. Fatty acids can then be transported much better for the body in the blood. An exact chemical background illumination of this fact would probably lead too … What are unsaturated fatty acids? | Nutrition for arteriosclerosis

Which food supplements can help? | Nutrition for arteriosclerosis

Which food supplements can help? The following dietary supplements can be considered in the case of arteriosclerosis: The treatment of arteriosclerosis Omega-3 fatty acids can be mentioned as an important dietary supplement in this context. These belong to the monounsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile these fats, which are usually available in the form of capsules, are … Which food supplements can help? | Nutrition for arteriosclerosis

Eye ointments

An ointment-based drug preparation manufactured for local application to the eye is called eye ointment. Ointments are often based on anhydrous substances such as vaseline or paraffin and, depending on the indication, active ingredients such as corticosteroids (cortisone), antibiotics or vitamins are then added. Due to the possibility to process different active substances in them, … Eye ointments

Eye ointment against frequent diseases of the eye | Eye ointments

Eye ointment against frequent diseases of the eye Conjunctivitis is one of the most common inflammations of the eye. The most common reason is drying out due to lack of tear fluid (so-called conjunctivitis sicca). It is best treated with so-called tear substitutes. However, these are more often found in drop form than as ointment. … Eye ointment against frequent diseases of the eye | Eye ointments

Antibiotic in the eye ointment | Eye ointments

Antibiotic in the eye ointment Due to their bactericidal properties, antibiotic eye ointments kill the pathogens. Antibiotic eye ointments are used when there is an eye infection and a bacterial infection. In this case a medical diagnosis should be made beforehand to justify the antibiotic treatment. The use of an ointment containing antibiotics only makes … Antibiotic in the eye ointment | Eye ointments