Classification of the femoral neck fracture | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Classification of the femoral neck fracture Femoral neck fractures can be classified according to three different schemes. There is the scheme according to Garden, the scheme according to Pauwels and the AO classification. In Germany, the AO classification is the most common. In the Garden classification, four degrees of severity are used, whereby the deviation … Classification of the femoral neck fracture | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Prophylaxis | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Prophylaxis In the prevention of femoral neck fractures, a healthy and conscious lifestyle with a balanced diet and sports is the main focus. Exercise strengthens the muscles and bones and there are fewer falls and fractures. A healthy diet is also important for the stability of the bone. For older patients, the prevention of falls … Prophylaxis | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Associated symptoms | Pain in the feet – These are the causes

Associated symptoms In some cases, pain in the feet may be accompanied by accompanying symptoms. Inflammatory processes such as a gout attack or rheumatic disease are usually accompanied by reddening and overheating of the affected regions. Other accompanying symptoms are possible. In the case of gout, a hardening of the joint may be palpable. Strongly … Associated symptoms | Pain in the feet – These are the causes

Periodontosis and periodontitis

Introduction Periodontology is a relatively young branch of dentistry. It deals with the causes, the course, prophylaxis and therapy of diseases of the periodontium. Today it is an independent specialty, having previously been part of the conservative department. The concept of periodontal disease is wrong and outdated. The correct term is “periodontitis“. Unfortunately, the media … Periodontosis and periodontitis