The Betaisodona® Ointment

Introduction – What is Betaisodona® Ointment? Betaisodona® Ointment is an antiseptic (germicidal agent) that is applied to the skin. It contains iodine as the active ingredient in a chemical compound. Betaisodona® Ointment is used to treat injuries or open wounds. The ointment can be purchased without a prescription from the pharmacy and is often part … The Betaisodona® Ointment

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? There are only a few contraindications for which Betaisodona® Ointment should not be given. It should not be used if there is already hypersensitivity to iodine or other components of the ointment. However, this is usually only known if symptoms such as itching or the formation … Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? | The Betaisodona® Ointment


Definition With increasing age, the elasticity of the lens decreases, which also reduces your refractive power. This physiological mechanism, which becomes physiological with age, causes presbyopia. It is characterised by the fact that your vision is worse in close proximity. This is especially true of the Introduction Presbyopia is a normal process that affects everyone … Presbyopia

Rehabilitation | Presbyopia

Rehabilitation Unfortunately, rehabilitation is not possible because the lost elasticity of the lens cannot be regained. A pair of reading glasses can help. Whether regular eye training can really prevent presbyopia or reduce its symptoms is questionable. Presbyopia is caused by a stiffening of the lens of the eye, which occurs naturally with age. It … Rehabilitation | Presbyopia

Forecast | Presbyopia

Forecast Presbyopia is a slowly progressing and actually normal aging process of the eyes which is based on a loss of elasticity of the eye lens. In this respect, the prognosis of presbyopia is that there is usually no regression or improvement of already existing symptoms unless they exceed the normal extent of the aging … Forecast | Presbyopia

Amalgam filling

Introduction If a tooth has been affected by caries, the substance softened by the bacteria must be removed. A cavity is created, i.e. a hole in the tooth, which must be filled. The filling serves to prevent a further loss of hard tooth substance and to give the tooth its stability again. Fillings made of … Amalgam filling

Outer meniscus

Synonyms in a broader sense lateral meniscus English: meniscus Definition The outer meniscus is – together with the inner meniscus and the cruciate and collateral ligaments – part of the knee joint. It improves the ability of the joint surfaces to fit together and ensures an optimal distribution of pressure. Because it is not fused … Outer meniscus


Synonym Sweetbread Definition The thymus is an unpaired lymphatic organ (part of the lymphatic system), which is located in the thorax in the front part of the mediastinum. It is located above the heart and behind the breastbone. Laterally, the thymus is covered by the pleura on both sides. In most cases, it develops from … Thymus

Treatment of the herniated disc in the subacute state

In the subacute state, the focus is not only on pain relief but also on teaching back-friendly everyday movements and functional training of the stabilizing muscles to build up a trunk muscle corset. Activities of daily life = back-friendly behaviour in everyday life and at work Standing upright: goals: First of all, the patient should … Treatment of the herniated disc in the subacute state