Artichoke: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The thistle-like artichoke is known as a royal vegetable and a valuable medicinal plant. Its powers were already appreciated by the ancient Greeks. Artichoke is cultivated for its edible budded inflorescences, which are then consumed as vegetables. Occurrence and cultivation of the artichoke The artichoke originated in northern Africa and from there spread throughout the … Artichoke: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Secretary: Function & Diseases

Secretin is a peptide hormone. It is produced in the small intestine and is used to neutralize the food pulp. What is secretin? Secretin is a hormone that is chemically a peptide and belongs to the glucagon family of peptide hormones. It is composed of several amino acids and has hydrophilic properties. This means that … Secretary: Function & Diseases

Gallstones (Cholelithiasis): Symptoms and Diagnosis

Gallstones are common – about one in six adults in Germany has them. Especially women (5-F rule: “Female, fair, fat, forty, fertile”, i.e. female, fair-skinned, overweight, (over)forty and fertile), overweight and elderly people are affected, also a familial accumulation is known. But by no means everyone knows that they are carrying these potential pests – … Gallstones (Cholelithiasis): Symptoms and Diagnosis

Digestive Organs: Structure, Function & Diseases

The entire digestive system breaks down food into simple substances in order to extract the usable substances for the organism. It practically consists of a long tube to which various digestive organs are attached. What are digestive organs? Digestive organs include the mouth, throat, tongue the esophagus, pancreas, liver the stomach, gallbladder, duodenum, small intestine … Digestive Organs: Structure, Function & Diseases

Laparoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Abdominal endoscopy, or laparoscopy, is a diagnostic and surgical procedure. The procedure is used in a variety of medical settings and carries relatively few risks. What is a laparoscopy? Laparoscopy is also known as laparoscopy in the medical field. During a laparoscopy, a patient’s abdominal cavity can be viewed from the inside with the help … Laparoscopy: Treatment, Effect & Risks


Artemisia absinthum Absinthe, Stomachwort, WormwoodWormwood is a characteristically smelling herb that grows to waist-high, the stem and the lancet-like leaves are silvery gray hairy. In addition, wormwood has numerous hemispherical and light yellow flower heads. It is very similar to mugwort in appearance and effect. Flowering time: June to September Occurrence: The plant prefers dry … Wormwood

Home remedy for abdominal pain

One of the most common symptoms in society is stomach ache. They can vary greatly and can occur together with diarrhea, constipation, nausea or vomiting. Depending on the location of the abdominal pain, different triggers are possible. Among them, gastrointestinal infections and irritable bowel syndrome are sometimes the most common. However, other organs of the … Home remedy for abdominal pain

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

How often and how long should I use the household remedies? Home remedies can be used for different lengths of time and with different frequency, depending on the type of remedy and symptoms. The caraway oil and olive oil are well suited for use over a short period of a few weeks. In the long … How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

Which homeopathics can help me? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

Which homeopathics can help me? There are many different homeopathics that can help with stomach pain. Carbo animalis is preferably used for inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. Heartburn and flatulence can also be treated with this homeopathic remedy. It stabilizes the environment in the various sections of the gastrointestinal tract and activates the production … Which homeopathics can help me? | Home remedy for abdominal pain