Autologous serum eye drops

English: autologous eyedrops Synonyms Eye drops from own blood Definition The so-called autologous serum eye drops are eye drops that are obtained from the patient’s own blood. This type of treatment is used for a wide variety of diseases affecting the cornea of the eye. They can be used for dry eyes (sicca syndrome), corneal … Autologous serum eye drops

Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

Definition – What is a Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome? The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome describes a complex of different malformations, which are caused by a change in the chromosomes (chromosomal aberration). The malformations include above all changes in the head, brain and heart. The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome occurs in about 1:50. 000 children. It affects girls more frequently than boys … Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

TreatmentTherapy | Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome

TreatmentTherapy The Wolf-Hirschhorn-Syndrome is not curable. A purely symptomatic therapy is carried out with the aim of improving the quality of life of those affected. This includes various forms of therapy such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy and surgical correction of some malformations. Epilepsy should also be treated with medication. In some cases, artificial … TreatmentTherapy | Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome