Pollen allergy

Definition A pollen allergy is the hypersensitive reaction to components of different plant pollen. The pollen allergy is popularly called “hay fever“, in technical terms it is called “allergic rhinitis”. In most cases, the disease begins in early childhood and usually accompanies those affected throughout their lives. It is assumed that the rate of illness … Pollen allergy

Duration of a pollen allergy | Pollen allergy

Duration of a pollen allergy The duration of the allergy is unlimited. Many affected persons suffer from the pollen allergy for life. However, since different pollen are only present in the air at certain months of the year, the duration of the symptoms varies greatly. The pollen flight generally lasts from January to September. However, … Duration of a pollen allergy | Pollen allergy

Duration | Cross Allergy

Duration As described above, there are cross-allergies that are seasonal and occur mainly in spring and autumn. With all other forms of cross-allergy, however, the following applies: once a sensitization has taken place, the allergy usually persists. Its degree of development can change, but it rarely disappears completely. Therapeutically, hyposensitization can be used to achieve … Duration | Cross Allergy

Cross Allergy

Definition A cross-allergy is a form of allergic reaction. In an allergic reaction, certain antibodies (IgE antibodies) react to an allergen (for example pollen) and an allergic reaction occurs, for example in the form of a skin rash or irritation of the mucous membranes with itchy eyes and increased sneezing. In the case of a … Cross Allergy

Diagnosis | Cross Allergy

Diagnosis The anamnesis is very important for the diagnosis. It is very helpful if the patient already keeps a (nutritional) diary in which he/she writes down which food has been eaten or which substances have been in contact with which allergic reaction. Based on this, the treating physician can carry out the allergy test. There … Diagnosis | Cross Allergy


Definition Nasonex® is a drug that is often used as a nasal spray to treat allergic or inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. The active ingredient is called mometasone and belongs to the group of highly effective glucocorticoids. Mometasone is also used in ointments and creams and is thus used locally against allergic or inflammatory skin … Nasonex®

Application areas | Nasonex®

Application areas Nasonex has two main applications. The most important one is allergic rhinitis, which can be seasonal, probably better known as hay fever, or year-round. As the name suggests, it is an allergic reaction in certain months to pollen or grasses, or without a time connection, e.g. to cat hairs or dust mites. Nasonex … Application areas | Nasonex®