Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Schlatter’s disease is a painful knee disease, which mostly affects young boys. With reduction of the causative overload, early therapy/physical exercises and termination of growth, the disease often heals by itself without the need for surgery or restrictions. Also known as Osgood-Schlatter disease, the disease describes pain in the anterior lower knee region. Irritation of … Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Physiotherapeutic intervention | Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Physiotherapeutic intervention In physiotherapy/physical gymnastics, the diagnosis is supported by manual tests and pain tests for movement, stress and pressure. The doctor makes the diagnosis by means of ultrasound, an X-ray or possibly an MRI scan. A distinction is made between ligament injuries, fractures or the so-called jumper’s knee, which also represents an overloading of … Physiotherapeutic intervention | Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Prognosis | Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Prognosis Usually the problems of Schlatter’s disease only exist during puberty and disappear with the end of the growth phase. What remains may be a pressure-sensitive tuberosity tibiae or even increased bone elevation at this point. If dead bone material has detached, causing further inflammation and problems in the joint and disrupting movement, it may … Prognosis | Physiotherapy for Schlatter’s disease

Growth spurt in the baby

Definition Growth spurts in newborns are sudden changes in the whole body or parts of the body. This refers to the change in body size, but also to mental development. In this text we want to describe the process of growing. The growth spurts occur in most children at about the same time and depend … Growth spurt in the baby

Bone age determination with the help of the carpal bones | Determination of the final body height

Bone age determination with the help of the carpal bones The carpal bones are the 8 small bones that can be felt at the ball of the hand. In the male infant, all these bones are still made of cartilage at birth, which then ossify during development. A female infant is already born with 2 … Bone age determination with the help of the carpal bones | Determination of the final body height