
Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Chalazion Definition Hail Grain A hailstone (chalazion) is a chronic, i.e. permanent, inflammation of a Meibom gland. Meibom glands are located on the inside of the eyelid. Their secretion provides the fat layer of the tear film. These glands are responsible for the formation of sebum, which serves to … Hailstones

Optic atrophy

Synonyms (Opticus = optic nerve; atrophy = decrease in cell size, decrease in cell count) Death of the optic nerve, optic nerve atrophy Definition Optic atrophy Optic atrophy is the loss of nerve cells in the optic nerve. The nerve cells either decrease in size or in number. Both are possible. Atrophy can have various … Optic atrophy

Inflammation of the eyelid

Introduction A swollen eyelid is disturbing, unsightly and annoying in many ways. It can itch, flake, wet, or its sheer size can obstruct the view and restrict the field of vision. The causes behind such a swollen, thickened eyelid are manifold. The first and most important question that helps the physician and of course the … Inflammation of the eyelid

What are the symptoms of eyelid inflammation? | Inflammation of the eyelid

What are the symptoms of eyelid inflammation? Sick, inflamed eyelids are thickly swollen and reddened. As a rule, those affected wake up in the morning with glued eyes and on the edge of the eyelids, between the lashes and in the corners of the eyes there are yellowish, slightly greasy scales and crusts. In addition, … What are the symptoms of eyelid inflammation? | Inflammation of the eyelid


Definition The eyelid is a thin, muscular fold of skin that forms the front border of the eye socket. It covers the eyeball immediately below, from above through the upper eyelid, and from below through the lower eyelid. Between the two eyelids is the eyelid crease, laterally (towards the nose and temple) the upper and … Eyelid

Interventions and operations on the eyelid | Eyelid

Interventions and operations on the eyelid Most surgical operations on the eyelid are cosmetic in nature. For example, wrinkles in the eyelid (so-called eyelid wrinkles) can be treated by plastic surgery using botulinum toxin, better known as “Botox”. Botox is the strongest known nerve toxin to date, it paralyses the signal transmission of the nerve … Interventions and operations on the eyelid | Eyelid