Cornflower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Physical ailments can be treated not only by drugs from traditional medicine. There are also numerous herbal remedies that are capable of relieving pain and illness to a certain degree. Among these is the cornflower. Occurrence and cultivation of cornflower Moreover, because the cornflower is a protected species, collecting the flower is not allowed. In … Cornflower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Skin scales

Definition Skin scales are small parts of the skin that peel off from the surface. Dandruff (dermatological term: squama) is caused by the fact that cells of the uppermost layer of the skin, the horny cells (keratinocytes) of the horny layer (stratum corneum), die and as a result separate from the other layers of the … Skin scales

Psoriasis | Skin scales

Psoriasis Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease. It usually occurs after puberty and can only be treated systemically. In addition to skin symptoms, psoriasis can also be accompanied by joint problems and vascular inflammation. There are various options available for the treatment of psoriasis. These are applied depending on the severity of the symptoms. Localization … Psoriasis | Skin scales

Therapy | Skin scales

Therapy In the simplest case, skin flakes are simply caused by the skin being too dry. Then you can perform a self-treatment.This therapy is based primarily on supplying the skin with sufficient fluid. Various care products and cleansing agents are available for this purpose. Urea (which not only moisturizes the skin but can also loosen … Therapy | Skin scales