Healing Earth: Effects, Uses & Risks

Healing clay is a dry powder that is prepared with water and used to fight disease. Alternatively, healing clay is available as a poultice and mask. What is healing clay? Thanks to its natural composition, healing clay binds excess acids from food within a short time. In the history of mankind, healing clay is a … Healing Earth: Effects, Uses & Risks

Blackheads: Causes, Treatment & Help

Blackheads or comedones are blockages caused by keratinization of sebaceous follicles. Blackheads are mostly located on the nose or nostrils and are often clearly visible by their dark, pigment-like shape and color. What are blackheads? Blackheads are particularly common during puberty in adolescents, but can also occur in a weakened form throughout life again and … Blackheads: Causes, Treatment & Help

Impure Skin: Causes, Treatment & Help

The skin is an organ that requires comprehensive care. However, unclean skin can also be an indication of an internal disease. What is impure skin? Persistent impure skin, which is not temporary but permanent, is a huge problem. As external signs of impure skin, various irritations occur, which can affect not only the appearance of … Impure Skin: Causes, Treatment & Help

Polychondritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Polychondritis is a disease of the cartilage. The disease occurs with a very low frequency in the population. In some cases, polychondritis is also known as panchondritis and polychondritis atropicans. The disease is associated with rheumatic factors. Typical for polychondritis are inflammations of the cartilage, which occur again and again. In this way, the stability … Polychondritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Milk Yoghurt | Heartburn home remedy

Milk Yoghurt Milk is considered a popular and well-known household remedy against heartburn. It has been proven that milk calms the throat after heartburn. The pH value of milk is about 6.5 and is slightly acidic.However, compared to stomach acid (pH between 1.5-4.5), it has a neutralizing effect, so milk can help with heartburn. However, … Milk Yoghurt | Heartburn home remedy

Ginger | Heartburn home remedy

Ginger The regular consumption of fresh ginger in various dishes, pure or as a tea preparation can have a preventive effect against heartburn. Ginger inhibits the production of gastric acid and soothes the stomach lining. Furthermore, the pungent substances contained in ginger stimulate the stomach passage. This means that food is transported out of the … Ginger | Heartburn home remedy

Calf Wrap: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Calf wraps are lukewarm or cold compresses that are wrapped primarily around the calves to counteract fever and cramps. They promise a quick improvement in symptoms, but also carry some risks. What are calf wraps? Calf wraps are lukewarm or cold compresses that are wrapped primarily around the calves to counteract fever and cramps. Calf … Calf Wrap: Treatment, Effect & Risks