Costs of a root canal treatment | Duration of a root canal treatment

Costs of a root canal treatment Whether the costs for a root canal treatment are covered by health insurance must be discussed individually with the patient and the situation.In general, health insurance companies will only cover the costs if the treatment can ensure that the tooth is saved. The condition is that the dentist can … Costs of a root canal treatment | Duration of a root canal treatment

Lower abdominal pain on the left side in men | Lower abdominal pain left

Lower abdominal pain on the left side in men Some diseases that specifically occur in men can be a possible cause of left lower abdominal pain. In this context, diseases that affect the male genitals are particularly worthy of mention. Overall, however, lower abdominal pain in men is much less often caused by diseases of … Lower abdominal pain on the left side in men | Lower abdominal pain left

Therapy of lower abdominal pain | Lower abdominal pain left

Therapy of lower abdominal pain If diverticulitis has been found to be the cause of the symptoms, antibiotic therapy can be tried first. Especially in subacute courses and less severe inflammation, conservative treatment can improve the findings. If there have already been multiple inflammations in the past or if the inflammation is very severe, surgical … Therapy of lower abdominal pain | Lower abdominal pain left

Urachus fistula

The “Urachus” is a duct that connects the bladder with the navel. At the beginning of the child’s development in the mother’s belly it is a real connection. At the end of the pregnancy this opening normally closes completely. In the case of an Urachus fistula this closure does not occur, so there is still … Urachus fistula

Diagnosis | Urachus fistula

Diagnosis In addition to a physical examination, an ultrasound is usually performed if a urachus fistula is suspected. In the best case, the images show the persistent passage between the bladder and the navel. Occasionally, other imaging procedures are also used if the images produced by the ultrasound machine do not allow for a meaningful … Diagnosis | Urachus fistula

Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Synonyms in a broader sense Menière’s disease; inner ear vertigo, sudden hearing loss, equilibrium, dizziness. Definition Menière’s disease is a disease of the inner ear and was first and impressively described in 1861 by the French physician Prosper Menière. Meniere’s disease is characterized by an increased accumulation of fluid (hydrops) in the membranous labyrinth of … Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Therapy Menière’s disease | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Therapy Menière’s disease It is a first and important step in the therapy of Meniere’s disease to inform the patient about the possibility of reducing the severity of an acute attack by means of effective medication. If this occurs, the patient should remain in bed or lie down due to dizziness to avoid a fall … Therapy Menière’s disease | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Prognosis and course | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Prognosis and course Usually, as the disease progresses, the hearing loss is progressive and can even lead to deafness. The dizziness, however, decreases in severity. In 10% of patients, both inner ears are affected. Prophylaxis The patient can be prepared for a seizure with the following measures: It may be useful to carry tablets or … Prognosis and course | Therapy of Meniere’s disease