How Long Have Tampons Been Around?

Tampons are almost as old as the world. Because there have always been women for whom it was quite natural to use an internal menstrual protection. The first tampons were made by hand from leaves or natural fibers over 4000 years ago. Even today, natural materials are used to make tampons. But compared to the … How Long Have Tampons Been Around?

Urinalysis: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Urinalysis, urine examination, is a basic diagnostic tool and valuable for any medical specialty. Urinalysis allows immediate conclusions to be drawn about a patient’s general health, particularly the condition of the kidneys and the urinary tract. What is urinalysis? Urinalysis allows immediate conclusions to be drawn about a patient’s general health, particularly the condition of … Urinalysis: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Fields of application | Ginkgo

Fields of application A large number of pharmacological studies have been conducted with ginkgo leaves, their extract and individual ingredients. They have been proven to promote blood circulation in the brain, prevent damage from free radicals, improve memory and slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Due to its blood circulation-promoting effect, ginkgo is also … Fields of application | Ginkgo

Dosage form | Ginkgo

Dosage form Ginkgo is available in the following dosage forms: Ginkgo extracts can be found as ingredients of various hair shampoos or other cosmetics. Drop Coated tablets Film coated tablets Tea Side effect Overall, side effects are rare. Rarely ginkgo preparations can cause stomach – ladies – discomfort, headache or allergic reactions. Contraindication contraindication As … Dosage form | Ginkgo


Synonyms in a broader sense Medicinal plant: Ginkgo bilboa Ginkgo biloba: The ginkgo tree belongs to the family of Ginkgoaceae. Ginkgo actually Ginkyo (from the Chinese) translated means silver apricot. Alternatively, the Ginkgo tree is also called:. Fan Tree Fan-leaf tree Elephant leaf tree Duckfoot Tree Fan-leaf tree Girl hair tree or Japanese temple tree … Ginkgo

Protein-containing food

Introduction Protein is a basic building block of all living cells. Protein is therefore an essential part of a balanced diet. The body cannot synthesize protein on its own, so it is essential that it is absorbed through food. Protein occurs naturally in numerous animal and vegetable foods. How much protein the body needs depends … Protein-containing food

Vegan protein-containing food | Protein-containing food

Vegan protein-containing food Since in almost all food proteins occur these are also represented in countless vegetable products, so that a protein-rich nutrition is also for Veganer no problem. Vegans can achieve good biological protein values by combining different foods. The rule of thumb is to use one of the following three groups of foods … Vegan protein-containing food | Protein-containing food

What is the protein requirement? | Protein-containing food

What is the protein requirement? The dosage or individual protein requirement depends on numerous factors. These include age, state of health and other external life influences such as personal fitness level and addictive behavior. In a normally healthy person, the daily protein intake should be as follows: In the first year of life: 2.5-1.3g protein … What is the protein requirement? | Protein-containing food

Performance of Endoscopy

How the patient experiences an endoscopy and what to look for depends largely on the type of endoscopic examination he or she is about to undergo. Some involve so much effort that the patient is put under general anesthesia for them, as in laparoscopy. Others do not require any anesthesia at all, such as endoscopy … Performance of Endoscopy

Pediatric Surgery: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Pediatric surgery is a branch of surgery that transfers knowledge to be used on babies, children and adolescents. In part, pediatric surgery uses its own procedures and its own instruments; whenever possible, surgical procedures are performed as closely as possible to adult procedures. What is pediatric surgery? Pediatric surgery is primarily concerned with the diagnosis, … Pediatric Surgery: Treatment, Effects & Risks