Adrenal Inflammation

In healthy people, the adrenal gland is paired and assumes some important functions. It can be divided into an adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla. The adrenal medulla is responsible for the production of adrenalin and noradrenalin. The adrenal cortex produces a number of important messenger substances for the body. There are various diseases of … Adrenal Inflammation

Causes | Adrenal Inflammation

Causes An inflammation of the adrenal glands with the consequence of adrenal insufficiency is caused by an immune reaction in which antibodies are formed in a hitherto unexplained way, which attack the adrenal cortex and destroy it. Normally, antibodies are formed to eliminate harmful pathogens that can infect the body. The production of antibodies that … Causes | Adrenal Inflammation

Diagnosis | Adrenal Inflammation

Diagnosis The typical symptoms of adrenal insufficiency can usually be recognized by any doctor by means of a gaze diagnosis. However, since the insufficiency can be triggered by various causes, and since an inflammation is not always responsible for the symptoms, comprehensive diagnostics are usually performed. By injecting a certain substance that stimulates the adrenal … Diagnosis | Adrenal Inflammation

The Addison crisis

Introduction The Addison crisis is a dreaded complication of adrenal cortex insufficiency. In general, it is a rare but acute disease characterized by a severe lack of cortisol. The Addison’s crisis, or severe cortisol deficiency, is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Causes The cause of the Addison crisis is the deficiency of … The Addison crisis

I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis

I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms The Addison crisis is characterised by a variety of symptoms. These include, among others: There is also a frequent drop in blood pressure, which can lead to a state of shock. Hypoglycaemia and dehydration (too little water in the body) can also occur during an Addison … I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis