Right chest pain | Stinging in the chest while breathing

Right chest pain Respiratory stabbing in the right side of the chest may also indicate a pneumothorax. Broken or bruised ribs can also cause pain on the right side. A pulmonary embolism located in the right lung and close to the pleura can cause right-sided stabbing. Diagnosis for breast pricks If a doctor is consulted … Right chest pain | Stinging in the chest while breathing

Treatment of breast stitches | Stinging in the chest while breathing

Treatment of breast stitches Some forms of breath-dependent stinging in the chest do not require treatment and after a certain time they disappear on their own. If a physician determines that a disease requires treatment, conventional measures may be sufficient. Depending on the cause of the pain, physical protection can already provide relief. For some … Treatment of breast stitches | Stinging in the chest while breathing

Prognosis for breast stitches | Stinging in the chest while breathing

Prognosis for breast stitches Rib fractures have a good prognosis, but are painful for several weeks. The prognosis of pleuritis varies greatly, especially in young patients the pleuritis often heals without consequences. However, adhesions between the pleura and the lung can cause a so-called pleural rind to form and the adhesions can calcify, which limits … Prognosis for breast stitches | Stinging in the chest while breathing

Earache with a cold

Introduction Pain in the ear often occurs in many people with a cold. In most cases, a cold occurs first, followed by slight pain and later by inflammation of the middle ear. The ear pain is often described as pulsating or pressing. They can be very annoying for those affected, as hearing loss also sets … Earache with a cold

Anthracosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anthracosis (also called coal workers’ pneumoconiosis) is a lung disease in which dust containing coal is deposited in the lungs. The disease, which is usually uncomplicated, occurs when a person breathes air contaminated with soot and coal particles over a long period of time. The disease was first researched at the beginning of the 20th … Anthracosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Isotonic saline solution

Isotonic saline solution has the same osmolarity (particle density) as blood plasma. It is an electrolyte solution (crystalloid liquid solution) containing sodium and chloride (also called NaCl or common salt). An isotonic saline solution contains 9g of sodium chloride per liter of water (9g/l). Common salt is the most commonly used infusion solution because it … Isotonic saline solution

Effect | Isotonic saline solution

Effect First, the isotonic saline solution accumulates in the interstitium (space between the tissues). About 2/3 of the extracellular space (space outside the cells) is determined by the interstitium. Only little of the volume supplied remains intravascular (located in the blood), which means that it has a very short hemodynamic effect (flowing in the blood). … Effect | Isotonic saline solution

Lung pain when coughing

Introduction Coughing can cause pain for various reasons. However, the symptoms typically referred to as lung pain are not pain of the organ itself. Rather, the sheaths surrounding the lungs are the organs that trigger the pain stimulus. To feel pain, impulses must be sent from the affected organ to the brain via pain-conducting nerve … Lung pain when coughing