Therapy options for complaints | Phrenic nerve

Therapy options for complaints If paresis of the phrenic nerve is present, certain breathing exercises can be performed as a therapy against the breathing difficulties, in worse cases artificial respiration is necessary. If there is an inflammatory process behind the paresis, the inflammation can be treated with antibiotics, antivirals, cortisone or plasma separation. If the … Therapy options for complaints | Phrenic nerve


The first references to aromatherapy come from ancient Egypt, where essential oils were already being extracted from cedar wood around 4000 BC. In Europe, from the 13th century onwards, oil was primarily produced from rosemary and in France, at the time of the Sun King, more than 60 essences were already known. With the progress … Aromatherapy

Internal application | Aromatherapy

Internal application Possible applications for the internal use of essential oils are cardiovascular complaints and digestive disorders. Usually one takes 3 times daily 1-2 drops with some honey or in water and keeps them in the mouth for some time, so that the active substances can already be absorbed through the oral mucosa. Inhalation Water … Internal application | Aromatherapy

The side effect of Pinimenthol® cold bath | The Pinimenthol® cold bath

The side effect of Pinimenthol® cold bath Various side effects can occur when using the Pinimenthol® cold bath. In the case of an allergy or intolerance to one of the ingredients of the Pinimenthol® Cold Bath, the body’s defense reaction may occur. This allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of itching, redness and the … The side effect of Pinimenthol® cold bath | The Pinimenthol® cold bath

The dosage for the Pinimenthol® cold bath | The Pinimenthol® cold bath

The dosage for the Pinimenthol® cold bath For the Pinimenthol® Cold Bath, the dosage can be individually determined and adapted to the desired strength of the odor. We recommend a dosage of 30ml of Pinimenthol® Cold Bath in a bathtub filled with water. This usually comprises a volume of 100 liters of water. However, the … The dosage for the Pinimenthol® cold bath | The Pinimenthol® cold bath

Alternatives to Pinimenthol® cold bath | The Pinimenthol® cold bath

Alternatives to Pinimenthol® cold bath There are several alternatives to the Pinimenthol® cold bath. There are products such as Pinimenthol® Cold Ointment or Pinimenthol® Cold Inhalate, which represent a different form of administration of the product. There are also cold baths from other manufacturers that contain similar substances. For example, the tetesept® Cold Bath is … Alternatives to Pinimenthol® cold bath | The Pinimenthol® cold bath

What should I be aware of when inhaling? | Inhalation for a cold

What should I be aware of when inhaling? When inhaling, you should pay attention to several things: In general, during a cold – not only after inhaling – sufficient rest and protection should be ensured. If circulation problems occur more frequently, if there are inflammations in the face, allergies to additives such as chamomile or … What should I be aware of when inhaling? | Inhalation for a cold

Which household remedies are suitable for inhalation? | Inhalation for a cold

Which household remedies are suitable for inhalation? Besides chamomile, tea tree oil and salt, there are other additives that can be used in inhalation. Firstly, thyme can be used, which is particularly effective for coughs and bronchitis. Thyme oil or thyme herbs can be used for this purpose. Sage and eucalyptus also have a calming … Which household remedies are suitable for inhalation? | Inhalation for a cold