Prevent cramps while running | Prevent cramps

Prevent cramps while running

When running, cramps occur mainly in the muscle groups of the legs that are under increased strain. Mostly the calf muscles are affected. Especially when the muscles are shortened or the training condition does not adequately correspond to the required performance, cramps can occur more frequently. Since running also causes more fluid to be lost through sweating, you should always make sure that you supply your body with enough fluid. At the same time, the electrolyte balance should also be in balance.

Cramps in the stomach

Abdominal cramps, also known as spasms in the abdomen, are usually a cramping tension of the digestive organs or other organs of the abdomen. In most cases, these are harmless spasms, but if they occur frequently, they should be clarified. A critical examination of the digestion should be done first in the case of abdominal cramps, as this is a frequent cause of the cramps.

Food intolerances often cause unpleasant abdominal cramps. Also infections and diarrhoea often lead to abdominal cramps. If the cramps occur with severe pain, a quick clarification should take place as it could be a serious illness. A general recommendation for the prevention of abdominal cramps can therefore not be given. However, a balanced diet as well as a clarification in case of complaints should be made in general.

Cramps during pregnancy

During pregnancy, cramps occur more frequently during the night or before falling asleep. This can be explained by the hormones that change during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the hormones change the electrolyte balance and a lack of minerals occurs, which is noticeable by the occurrence of cramps.

For this reason, pregnant women should take additional minerals when cramps occur. Especially an increased need for magnesium is often noticed in pregnant women. If the cramps do not stop due to the additional intake of minerals, a blood test by the treating physician can help to find out whether it is an electrolyte shift, lack of fluid or possibly another problem.After correct diagnosis, the doctor can quickly initiate therapy and thus effectively prevent the occurrence of cramps.