Form of teaching

Definition In school or other educational institutions, knowledge is passed on to the students through the lessons given by a teacher. There are various methods of imparting knowledge, which generally aim to pass on knowledge as quickly and effectively as possible and thus achieve the learning goal. Overview of the teaching methods These different methods … Form of teaching

Thorn Massage

The Dorn Method is a massage technique that was developed in the 1970s by Dieter Dorn, a farmer from the Allgäu region of Germany, after he himself had been put right by a villager friend due to lumbago. The Dorn Massage is used to treat people with spinal problems and joint pain and the accompanying … Thorn Massage

Instructions | Thorn Massage

Instructions At the beginning of the initial treatment by therapists, an anamnesis is taken, which means that the patient explains his medical history and the existing complaints. Based on other factors, such as age and fitness level of the patient, the therapist can get a good impression of the patient’s general condition. If the Dorn … Instructions | Thorn Massage

Prices/Costs | Thorn Massage

Prices/Costs Like the Breuss massage, the Dorn massage is a natural healing method or, in common parlance, a relaxing massage and is therefore not a benefit of statutory or private health insurance. This means that the patient usually has to bear the costs of the treatment himself. Depending on the institution and the duration and … Prices/Costs | Thorn Massage

Summary | Thorn Massage

Summary All in all, the Dorn Massage is not a massage in the classical sense, but rather a holistic treatment, which treats not only the individual symptoms, but instead treats the person as a whole in order to achieve long-term therapeutic success. The therapy always takes place without pain and only goes to the load … Summary | Thorn Massage

Pelvic floor training pregnancy

The pelvic floor forms the floor of the abdominal cavity and runs from the pubic bone to the coccyx. The muscles of the pelvic floor consist of three muscle layers. The outermost layer is located directly under the skin layer, runs from front to back and is composed of two sphincters. This outer muscle layer … Pelvic floor training pregnancy

Summary | Pelvic floor training pregnancy

Summary In summary, the pelvic floor has a significant influence on our posture, movement and mood in everyday life. A strong pelvic floor creates a feeling of well-being and self-confidence. Women notice many physical changes during pregnancy, but the pelvic floor is often neglected, although it has many effects. Therefore, targeted and regular pelvic floor … Summary | Pelvic floor training pregnancy