Pain in the lateral heel

Definition Pain can occur in many places around the ankle and heel. Although the pain is often located in the lateral heel, its cause may be in the upper or lower ankle, calf, arch of the foot, ankle or metatarsus. The heel itself is a bony protrusion of the foot on which the person carries … Pain in the lateral heel

Associated symptoms | Pain in the lateral heel

Associated symptoms The accompanying symptoms can vary with the cause and thus provide valuable information about the underlying problem. In case of tingling and weakness in the foot, nerve damage should be considered. Acute swelling and redness often indicate a bruise, but local inflammation is also conceivable if other signs of inflammation such as overheating … Associated symptoms | Pain in the lateral heel

Avoid red dots after epilation – This is how ́s works!

Definition Epilating is one of many methods of removing body hairs. In this procedure, the hair is removed completely, including the hair root, which leads to a longer lasting result than depilation (for example, shaving), in which only the visible hair is removed. A relatively common undesirable side effect of epilation is irritation of the … Avoid red dots after epilation – This is how ́s works!

Red spots in the genital area after epilation | Avoid red dots after epilation – This is how ́s works!

Red spots in the genital area after epilation Especially the skin in the genital area is usually very sensitive and reacts strongly to any manipulation. Most manufacturers of epilation devices clearly point out that it is not recommended to use their product in the genital area. This applies to both the bikini line and underarms. … Red spots in the genital area after epilation | Avoid red dots after epilation – This is how ́s works!

Patellar Tendon: What to do for Pain?

The patellar tendon performs an important function in the stabilization and mobility of the knee joint. It connects the largest thigh muscle (quadriceps femoris) to the tibia via the kneecap (patella) and is thus stressed during every bend and extension of the knee. Overloading or incorrect loading, for example during sports, can cause irritation of … Patellar Tendon: What to do for Pain?

Associated symptoms | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Associated symptoms The main symptom of burning in the neck is localized pain. For many superficial complaints such as skin, muscle or fascial disorders, the pain can be intensified by external pressure. Movements such as rotations and the straightening of the neck, but also breathing movements and activities such as driving a car or bicycle … Associated symptoms | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Diagnosis | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?

Diagnosis The diagnosis is first made by taking a medical history followed by a physical examination. Muscle tension can often be detected by inspecting the relieving postures and palpating the tense and hardened muscles. Acute complaints of the vertebral bodies or intervertebral discs must also be confirmed by radiological imaging. In the case of potential … Diagnosis | Burning in the neck – What is behind it?