Consequences of jaw malpositions | Jaw malposition

Consequences of jaw malpositions Misalignments in the jaw and thus in the temporomandibular joint can have serious consequences. The first signs of malalignment are cracking and rubbing noises in the temporomandibular joint. Malpositions often manifest themselves as severe headaches, neck or back pain. Furthermore, they can influence or limit functions of the mouth opening such … Consequences of jaw malpositions | Jaw malposition

Pain at the ear entrance | Pain in and around the ear

Pain at the ear entrance The tragus is a small cartilage that lies just before the entrance of the external auditory canal and thus offers protection against the penetration of foreign bodies. Pain when pressure is applied to the tragus often indicates an inflammation of the external auditory canal (otitis externa). Furthermore an inflammation and … Pain at the ear entrance | Pain in and around the ear

Pain in the temple

Definition The temples are located on both sides of the head to the side of the eyes. Complaints in this area are also called temple pain and can be caused by many different diseases like certain headaches or eye diseases. Pain in the temporal region is very common because this area is very sensitive. If … Pain in the temple