Knee school

Knee training should strengthen the thigh extensor muscles, the quadriceps muscle and stretch ligaments and tendons. Exercises are presented in detail on the following pages. Idea of the knee school The knee school has the goal of stabilizing a damaged knee joint (knee arthrosis) and thus making it free of complaints, but also to keep … Knee school

Knee school exercises

For general information about the knee school and how the training is carried out, please see Knee school number of repetitions: 3-4 series of 10-15 repetitions with 10sec. Holding time, the break between the training series is 1-2 minutes, every 2nd day training Load intensity: approx. 60% of maximum strength Subjective check: during the repetitions … Knee school exercises

Cartilage damage in the knee – Examination and treatment

Examination of cartilage damage to the knee During compression (pressure) on the joint surfaces between the kneecap and the femur, pain occurs in certain joint positions between flexion and extension of the knee joint. If the patella is mobilized at the same time (the examiner moves the patella up, down and sideways under pressure), roughness … Cartilage damage in the knee – Examination and treatment

Front knee pain due to muscle weakness of the local thigh muscles

In addition to the non-muscular causes mentioned above, muscle weakness of the thigh muscles can also be responsible for altered joint function between the kneecap and thigh. A reduced ability to stabilize the knee joint in the various phases of walking (lack of muscular guidance) reduces the shock absorption in the knee joint. Local muscle … Front knee pain due to muscle weakness of the local thigh muscles

2. exercise example | Front knee pain due to muscle weakness of the local thigh muscles

2. exercise example Starting position same as 1. without weight load Exercise execution same controlled tensing of the VMO without lifting the heel Important: the tensing should be performed under eye control and palpation control. Starting position Standing, stepping position, the affected leg is in front and slightly bent Exercise execution the heel is pushed … 2. exercise example | Front knee pain due to muscle weakness of the local thigh muscles

Therapeutic technique: Muscle strengthening of the thigh extensor | Front knee pain due to muscle weakness of the local thigh muscles

Therapeutic technique: Muscle strengthening of the thigh extensor The quadriceps are built up in secured knee angle areas where the patellofemoral joint is exposed to the lowest shear and compression forces. Exercises in the so-called closed chain (foot is fixed, body moves) are preferable to those in the open chain (body is fixed, leg moves), … Therapeutic technique: Muscle strengthening of the thigh extensor | Front knee pain due to muscle weakness of the local thigh muscles

Knee school for the treatment of arthrosis

The exercises for strengthening the thigh extensor and flexor muscles can also be performed well in cases of existing knee arthrosis. Number of repetitions: 3-4 series of 10-15 repetitions with 10sec. Holding time, the break between the training series is 1-2 minutes, every 2nd day training Load intensity: approx. 60% of maximum strength Subjective check: … Knee school for the treatment of arthrosis