10 Tips for a Healthy, Long Life

Everyone wishes to stay healthy and fit for as long as possible. With a healthy lifestyle, you can contribute a lot to it yourself. The most important factors are diet, exercise, relaxation and sleep, refraining from indulgence toxins and a positive attitude towards life. A conscious lifestyle increases your chances of staying fit into old … 10 Tips for a Healthy, Long Life

Change of Diet

Exercise more, eat healthier, consume alcohol in moderation, and don’t smoke. This is the formula for a health-conscious lifestyle. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that this could prevent up to 80% of coronary heart disease, 90% of type 2 diabetes, and 33% of all cancers. The recommendations for a health-conscious lifestyle sound so simple, … Change of Diet

Life expectancy in coronary heart disease

Introduction Life expectancy in coronary artery disease depends on many different factors. The number of coronary arteries affected by the disease and the location of the vascular constrictions are decisive for the prognosis. Depending on where and how pronounced the narrowing of the vessels (stenosis) is, the disease manifests itself with symptoms of varying severity. … Life expectancy in coronary heart disease

Which factors/complications have a negative influence? | Life expectancy in coronary heart disease

Which factors/complications have a negative influence? Coronary artery disease can progress worse if the therapy is not targeted. Symptoms can worsen and serious complications such as heart failure or a heart attack can occur. It is therefore essential to take the medication according to plan and to take control visits to the cardiologist seriously. The … Which factors/complications have a negative influence? | Life expectancy in coronary heart disease

What can you do yourself to improve life expectancy? | Life expectancy in coronary heart disease

What can you do yourself to improve life expectancy? To prolong life expectancy in coronary heart disease, it is essential to follow the cardiologist’s instructions and take the medication consistently. You should have your blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids checked regularly. The cardiovascular risk factors should be urgently limited. Those affected should stop … What can you do yourself to improve life expectancy? | Life expectancy in coronary heart disease

That is the goal of health coaching? | Health Coaching – A support for you!

That is the goal of health coaching? The goal of health coaching is, after a thorough analysis of the working and living conditions of a client, to train the client in dealing with stressors and to provide him with supporting factors so that the client feels more health and satisfaction in his life. In order … That is the goal of health coaching? | Health Coaching – A support for you!

Slimming with salts

Introduction What’s the process of losing weight? There are different protocols for taking a cure with salts, even whole books about how to proceed with a certain weight loss strategy. The intake plans range from at least one to several weeks. Most plans last from four to six weeks. What most of them have in … Slimming with salts

Dosage | Slimming with salts

Dosage To reach the right destination, salts first have to be diluted similar to homeopathic medicines. This is usually done with the help of milk sugar. In the undiluted state, they would be much too concentrated and would therefore be excreted directly by the body without being absorbed first. Dilution is therefore also called potentiation … Dosage | Slimming with salts

How can you boost fat burning?

Introduction There are several ways to effectively boost fat burning and promote weight loss. A healthy diet and lots of exercise are the basis of a healthy lifestyle. With different kinds of sports, the right pulse rate during exercise, relaxation, sufficient sleep and selected foods and drinks, you can positively influence fat burning. What possibilities … How can you boost fat burning?