Fatty liver: Treatment, symptoms

Brief overview Symptoms: Initially hardly any symptoms, as disease progresses and liver inflammation is added, feeling of pressure/fullness in right upper abdomen, pain in liver area, nausea/vomiting, sometimes fever Treatment: mainly change in eating and exercise habits. Causes and risk factors: Non-alcoholic fatty liver is mainly associated with severe obesity, insulin resistance or diabetes mellitus, … Fatty liver: Treatment, symptoms

Hepatitis: Undetected Liver Disease

Our liver is a poor swallower. As a detoxification organ, it is the garbage dump par excellence in our body and takes care of many a sweep of fatty foods and alcohol. However, when so-called hepatitis viruses get in its way and start parasitizing on it, the liver falters. Many liver diseases go undiagnosed The … Hepatitis: Undetected Liver Disease

Diet for Viral Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by viruses that can take a chronic course. There is no specific diet that can lead to a cure for the disease. Diet can only help to maintain health and increase well-being. This is primarily to be achieved by a healthy, wholesome diet. Loss of appetite/weight … Diet for Viral Hepatitis

Diet and Liver

In diseases of the liver, a healthy and wholesome diet makes an important contribution to the health and progression of the disease. As long as the liver performs its functions, there is no need for restrictive dietary measures. Liver diets propagated in the past or a liver soft diet are no longer used. Only in … Diet and Liver

Dysproteinemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Patients with dysproteinemia suffer from a congenital or acquired imbalance of blood proteins. Because these proteins are produced in the liver, liver damage is behind the phenomenon in many cases. Treatment depends on the primary cause. What is dysproteinemia? The Greek prefix “dys-” literally means “disorder” or “malfunction.” “Aemia” means “in the blood” in German. … Dysproteinemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Purpura Chronica Progressiva: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Purpura chronica progressiva is a group of diseases that cause punctate skin lesions due to hemorrhage and hemosiderin deposition. Food additives, textile additives, medications and various primary diseases have been identified as causes. Therapy of the skin disease is cause-dependent. What is purpura chronica progressiva? Iron is an essential trace element that is indispensable for … Purpura Chronica Progressiva: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Homeopathy for iron deficiency

Homeopathic medicines The following are possible homeopathic medicines: Ferrum metallicum Ferrum metallicum Ferrum metallicum can be taken for the following symptoms and complaints: Aggravation at rest. Improvement through moderate exercise. Dosage: Tablets D4 and D6 Predominantly blond, pale, anemic people with blue vein markings Hyperexcitability in the mental and vascular system Alternation between hectic redness … Homeopathy for iron deficiency

Alpine Motherwort: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

The so-called motherwort, as the alpine motherwort is also called in the vernacular, ranks in the genus of umbelliferae (herbaceous plants). Already in ancient times, the plant got the name because it was often taken for suffering from women’s diseases. A medicinal herb that in Grisons is even included in the daily alpine prayer. Occurrence … Alpine Motherwort: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits