Detecting depression

Introduction Depression is a disease with a thousand faces. Therefore, it is not necessarily easy to recognise a depression, especially if you are the person affected. It is commonly known that depression has something to do with unhappiness, bad mood and in the worst case with suicide. However, the disease of depression is much more … Detecting depression

What are the tests that detect depression? | Detecting depression

What are the tests that detect depression? Since this is a mental illness, there are no clear tests or laboratory values that would indicate depression. The diagnosis is made by means of questionnaires and psychological/psychotherapeutic sessions. Questionnaires in particular are abundant, from simple online self-tests to valid standardised scales used by doctors. These also include … What are the tests that detect depression? | Detecting depression

What is a schizophrenic residual?

The term schizophrenic residual describes a personality change that can occur in the context of schizophrenia and is characterized by a pronounced negative symptomatology compared to the acute schizophrenic episode. The term negative symptoms covers all symptoms that are related to the reduction or diminution of psychological characteristics of a person. These include lack of … What is a schizophrenic residual?

What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual? | What is a schizophrenic residual?

What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual? The course and prognosis of the schizophrenic residual varies greatly from individual to individual and depends on various factors. On the one hand, the severity of the disease must be mentioned. For example, in very severe schizophrenia, the residual may last for several years or permanently, whereas … What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual? | What is a schizophrenic residual?

Therapy | What is a schizophrenic residual?

Therapy It must be noted that the therapy of schizophrenic residuals is often complicated. While classical antipsychotics, such as haloperidol, have only very little effect on the symptom spectrum, atypical antipsychotics (olanzapine, clozapine, etc.) show better demand rates. Unfortunately, like all drugs in this class, they are often associated with side effects. These include significant … Therapy | What is a schizophrenic residual?