Symptoms | Dizziness and circulation

Symptoms Circulatory problems are manifested above all in suddenly occurring dizziness, flickering eyes, sweating, nausea, blackening of the eyes and even fainting spells. Chronic circulatory problems usually result in fatigue, poor performance, concentration problems and headaches. They can also trigger sensitivity to the weather, irritability and depressive moods. Particularly in older patients, circulatory problems should … Symptoms | Dizziness and circulation

Therapy | Dizziness and circulation

Therapy The treatment of circulatory problems depends mainly on the underlying disease. The primary aim is to stabilize the circulation and to avoid a reduced blood supply to the organs. If, for example, a cardiovascular disease or a hormonal disorder is the cause, an appropriate drug therapy is initiated. For some cardiac arrhythmias, the implantation … Therapy | Dizziness and circulation

Dizziness and fatigue

Definition Dizziness with fatigue is the name given to two symptoms that can occur together and are often mutually dependent. The cause is often a combination of many factors, such as lack of sleep and stress. However, there are also various diseases that can be considered as causes. These include, for example, an anaemia or … Dizziness and fatigue

Diagnosis | Dizziness and fatigue

Diagnosis For the diagnosis of dizziness and fatigue, the medical history, i.e. the doctor-patient conversation, plays an important role. During this discussion, the closer circumstances and possible causes can be identified more precisely. Depending on the suspicion, further diagnostic tools are available. These include, for example, the physical examination, which plays an important role especially … Diagnosis | Dizziness and fatigue

Fatigue during Pregnancy

Pregnancies are a burden for the female organism: body and hormones change, which may cause various complaints. In particular, the first few weeks put many pregnant women. Many complain of persistent fatigue. Yet fatigue during pregnancy is a perfectly normal accompanying symptom and no cause for concern. Causes of fatigue during pregnancy There are many … Fatigue during Pregnancy

How do you treat low blood pressure? | Schellong Test – An examination of the circulation function

How do you treat low blood pressure? A therapy of low blood pressure depends on the underlying cause. Initially, attempts are often made to raise blood pressure through lifestyle changes, changes in diet and physiotherapy. If this is not sufficient, drug therapy can be considered. The following are measures that can help to raise blood … How do you treat low blood pressure? | Schellong Test – An examination of the circulation function

Prognosis of low blood pressure | Schellong Test – An examination of the circulation function

Prognosis of low blood pressure The Schellong test can give a first assessment of the cause of low blood pressure. Depending on the underlying cause, the prognosis may differ. If it is a simple orthostatic problem, i.e. a drop in blood pressure due to a change in position, it can often be treated quickly by … Prognosis of low blood pressure | Schellong Test – An examination of the circulation function