Upper bone muscle

Synonyms Latin: M. supraspinatusThe upper bone muscle has a triangular shape, up to 2 cm thick. The supraspinatus muscle has its origin in the upper bony fossa of the shoulder blade. Back musculature overview To the musculature overview Approach/origin/innervation Base: Facet of the upper, large humerus (Tuberculum majus humeri) Origin: Superficial fossa of the scapula … Upper bone muscle

Tailor Muscle

Synonyms Latin: M. sartorius To the thigh musculature overview To the musculature overview Introduction The Tailor muscle (Musculus sartorius) belongs to the group of front thigh muscles. It is about 50 cm long and wraps itself helically around the quadriceps. The muscle has functions in both the hip joint and the knee joint. The force … Tailor Muscle

Small round muscle

Synonyms Latin: M. teres minorLatin: Musculus teres minor Back musculature overview To the musculature overview The small round muscle (Musculus teres minor) is an elongated, quadrangular muscle and runs across the back of the shoulder joint capsule. Here you will find more detailed information about the back: Back pain Back school Spine Definition The small … Small round muscle

Wide back muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus latissimus dorsi German: broad back muscle History Base: Small hump ridge of the humerus (Crista tuberculi minoris humeri) Origin: Innervation: N. thoracodorsalis, C 6 – 8 Vertebral part (pars vertebralis): spinous processes of the 7-12 thoracic vertebrae, as well as loins and sacral vertebrae Rib part (pars costalis): 10 – 12 rib … Wide back muscle


Synonyms Latin: M. quadrizeps femoris english: quadriceps femoris english: quadriceps thigh muscle, quadriceps thigh extensor, thigh extensorThe quadriceps is the largest and most powerful muscle in our body. The muscle Quadriceps femoris is, as the name suggests, a muscle that is composed of four other muscles. Its physiological cross-section is over 180 cm2 and weighs … Quadriceps

Approach, Origin, Innervation | Quadriceps

Approach, Origin, Innervation Base: Roughness of the anterior tibial tuberosity (Tuberositas tibiae) Origin: Innervation: N. femoralis, L 2 – 4 Straight section: anterior lower iliac spine (spina iliaca anterior inferior) and upper edge of the acetabulum Internal thigh muscle: distal end (away from the body) of the rough line connecting the two trochanteric mounds (intertrochanteric … Approach, Origin, Innervation | Quadriceps

Large round muscle

Synonyms Latin: M. teres major Back musculature overview To the musculature overview The large round muscle is especially visible during apparatus gymnastics as a protruding “bulge” directly under the skin. It lies above the tip of the shoulder blade and takes the form of a three-sided prism. Here you will find information about back painApproach: … Large round muscle

Trapezius muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus trapezius History Approach: Origin: Innervation: N. accessorius, Plexus cervicalis (C 2 – 4) Outer third of the clavicle (externalis acromialis) Shoulder height (Acromion) Shoulder blade bone (spina scapulae) External occipital protuberance (Protuberantia occipitalis externa) Spinous processes of all cervical and thoracic vertebrae Function The trapezius muscle (Musculus trapezius) has different functions due … Trapezius muscle