Exercises against varicose veins

Varicose vein exercises serve to strengthen the muscles of the legs and thus promote the return transport of blood to the heart via the veins. Many of the exercises can be performed comfortably in a sitting or standing position and can therefore be easily integrated into everyday life. This is especially useful for long sitting … Exercises against varicose veins

Painkiller Abuse

Anyone who regularly reaches for painkillers is not only fighting pain, but may even be causing it themselves. “Long-term use can lead to pain triggered by the painkiller,” warns Dr. Isabel Justus, managing director of the Bremen Chamber of Pharmacists. A permanent pain therapy in the self-course can also cause life-threatening health damage. Pain pills: … Painkiller Abuse

Can I get pregnant despite sterilization? | How do I get pregnant?

Can I get pregnant despite sterilization? In principle, sterilization is a very safe method to avoid getting pregnant. In theory, sterilization can be reversed, but this requires a lengthy operation and artificial insemination. Since very few women actually become pregnant again, sterilization is to be considered a “final operation”. Occasionally, there are women who become … Can I get pregnant despite sterilization? | How do I get pregnant?

Can I get pregnant while taking the pill? | How do I get pregnant?

Can I get pregnant while taking the pill? The pill is one of the safest contraceptives available on the market. However, there are always women who become pregnant even though they are taking the pill. How can this happen? There are a number of things or situations that have to be considered when taking the … Can I get pregnant while taking the pill? | How do I get pregnant?