Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is known to many people. In today’s society, time pressure, stress and permanent hectic are increasingly the cause of mental illness and physical diseases. Dizziness, burnout or depression are examples of possible consequences of this lifestyle. That’s why it’s all the more important to take time out regularly and relax properly. The term … Autogenic Training

Instructions | Connective Tissue Massage (Reflex Zone Massage)

Instructions The connective tissue massage should always be performed by trained personnel. In the connective tissue massage, various reflexology techniques are used. These include the subcutaneous and fascial technique, the laminar technique, the subcutaneous petrization, the skin technique and bimanual stretching techniques. The two-dimensional technique and the subcutaneous petrissage are used to manually loosen skin … Instructions | Connective Tissue Massage (Reflex Zone Massage)

Massage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Massage is a technique of hand movements developed in the East of Africa and Chinese and Indian areas, which has a positive influence on the muscles of the body. The origin of massage dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. The German word Massage has its etymological root from different languages, among others Greek “massein” … Massage: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Upper eyelid lift

Synonyms Latin: Musculus levator palpebrae superiores Definition The upper eyelid lifter is a striated muscle which is counted among the mimic muscles and the outer eye muscles. The muscle originates inside the orbita, splits the lacrimal gland (Glandula lacrimalis) in two parts and finally moves to the upper eyelid, which is opened when contracted. A … Upper eyelid lift

Stretching exercises after sport | Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises after sport As already described, stretching exercises do not help against sore muscles. Nevertheless stretching exercises can be done after training or competition. In the case of very intensive loads, at least three quarters of an hour should elapse between the end of the load and the beginning of the stretching exercises, as … Stretching exercises after sport | Stretching exercises