Exercises against neck tensions in the office 1

“WS – Mobilization Starting Position” From an upright position, roll yourself, starting from the head, vertebra by vertebra. The knees are completely extended. “WS – Mobilization End Position” From the starting position, roll yourself up again vertebra by vertebra, starting from the lumbar spine and then stretch your arms upwards. Perform this exercise 2 times. … Exercises against neck tensions in the office 1

Exercises against neck tensions in the office 4

“From an upright position, push your buttocks backwards as if you were closing a drawer with them. Your weight is thus shifted to your heels. The feet are slightly rotated outwards, the knees point in the same direction during flexion of max. 100° and are at no time above the tips of the feet (knees … Exercises against neck tensions in the office 4

Exercises for a foot lifter paresis

Foot lifter paresis is a paralysis of the muscles responsible for lifting the foot. These are muscles that are located at the front of the lower leg and pull over the ankle joint to the foot. These muscles are called the anterior tibialis muscle, the extensor digitorum longus muscle and the extensor hallucis longus muscle … Exercises for a foot lifter paresis

Consequences of the foot lifter paresis | Exercises for a foot lifter paresis

Consequences of the foot lifter paresis Permanent damage to the nerve results in a complete paralysis of the musculature, which leads to a so-called atrophy in the lower leg. The atrophy is accompanied by a decrease in muscle cells and an altered appearance of the lower leg due to the absence of muscle bellies. A … Consequences of the foot lifter paresis | Exercises for a foot lifter paresis

Exercises belly, legs, bottom, back

For all exercises, do 2 to 3 passes with 15 repetitions each. This is only a guideline and must be adjusted to the respective performance level. If you can do fewer or more repetitions, the number of repetitions can be adjusted by using the additional weight (dumbbells etc.). Otherwise you will do so many repetitions … Exercises belly, legs, bottom, back