
Products N-acetylcysteine is found in numerous products, including ACC Sandoz (formerly ACC eco), Ecomucyl, Fluimucil, Mucostop, and Solmucol. The original Fluimucil was first approved in many countries in 1966. Acetylcysteine is usually administered perorally in the form of effervescent tablets, lozenges, lingual tablets, powders, granules, capsules or syrups. Injection solutions, ampoules for aerosol devices, and … N-Acetylcysteine

ACC acute®

ACC akut® is a drug for the treatment of respiratory diseases and for mucolytic (mucolytic) mucus dissolution. ACC is the abbreviation for the active ingredient N-acetylcysteine, which is responsible for the liquefaction of secretion (secretolytic) and the subsequent removal of mucus (secretomotoric). Trade names: Chemical name: ACC Acemuc Acetyst Fluimucil Myxofate NAC L-N-acetylcysteine (R-2-acetylamino-3-sulfanylpropanoic acid) … ACC acute®

Interactions | ACC acute®

Interactions If ACC akut® and cough-relieving medication (antitussives) are taken at the same time, a threatening accumulation of secretions can occur, resulting in breathing difficulties. Taking ACC akut® in combination with some antibiotics (e.g. tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides), nitroglycerine and activated carbon alters their effect. Contraindications ACC akut® should not be taken if the patient … Interactions | ACC acute®