Extended surgical measures | Surgery for a nasal bone fracture

Extended surgical measures A nasal bone fracture can have certain complications or involve the surrounding bone structures. An important and common consequence of a nasal bone fracture is the septum or nasal septum hematoma. This is a hemorrhage between the perichondrium (cartilage skin) and cartilage, which can have life-threatening consequences in some cases. These include … Extended surgical measures | Surgery for a nasal bone fracture

Prognosis | Surgery for a nasal bone fracture

Prognosis As a rule, nasal bone fractures have a good prognosis, so that a satisfactory result, both esthetically and functionally, can be achieved. However, it is often only possible to make an accurate assessment after a few weeks when the nose has swollen. If deformations and obstructions to breathing have occurred, further corrective surgery can … Prognosis | Surgery for a nasal bone fracture

Costs of a rhinoplasty

How much does a rhinoplasty cost? A rhinoplasty is an extensive and time-consuming surgical procedure that requires special skills of the plastic surgeon. However, not only the performance of the actual operation, but above all the consultation and aftercare appointments must be carried out conscientiously and with a great deal of time spent by the … Costs of a rhinoplasty

Nasal bone fracture

Nasal bone fracture, nasal fracture Diagnosis If there is a change in the shape of the nose, there is no longer any doubt about a nasal bone fracture. Otherwise, the diagnosis is made on the basis of an X-ray. This also records the exact location of the fracture gap and shows any shifts in the … Nasal bone fracture

Swollen nose

Definition In the case of a swollen nose, the location of the swelling must be distinguished. So only the outer part of the nose can be swollen. However, the inside of the nose can also swell. In most cases, the mucous membranes of the nose are thickened. Due to a swelling of the nose, the … Swollen nose