What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? | The Tibialis Posterior Reflex

What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? A reflex always runs through two nerve connections: From the muscle up to the spinal cord and then back to the muscle where the muscle movement (contraction) is triggered. When damage occurs in the reflex arc, the reflex becomes stronger or weaker, depending on the extent of … What does a weakening of the reflex indicate? | The Tibialis Posterior Reflex

Twitching in the face | Twitching

Twitching in the face The face is our personal figurehead in contact with other people. For this reason, facial twitching is perceived as particularly disturbing and can cause massive insecurity and restriction in the person concerned. As a reflection of our emotional state, stress and psychological problems can cause facial twitches. Every person reacts differently … Twitching in the face | Twitching

Twitching in the eye | Twitching

Twitching in the eye With twitching in the eye are mostly movements of the eyelid meant. Even though it is an annoying phenomenon, in the majority of cases it does not cause serious illness. The causes are very diverse and range from disorders of the electrolyte balance, to stress situations, to more rare neurological diseases. … Twitching in the eye | Twitching

Twitching in the ear | Twitching

Twitching in the ear It can also provoke muscle twitches in the ear. In this case, either the muscles near the ear, such as the palatal muscles, are affected or small muscles located directly in the ear. These twitches often cause noises in the ear. This can occur in varying degrees. The causes of ear … Twitching in the ear | Twitching

Muscle twitches in the knee | Twitching

Muscle twitches in the knee Muscle twitches in the knee can have a variety of causes. For example, too little sleep, physical or mental overload, stress, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, certain medications, circulatory disorders and magnesium or potassium deficiency can imply knee twitches. In addition, febrile convulsions, multiple sclerosis, Tourette’s syndrome and diabetes mellitus can provoke involuntary, … Muscle twitches in the knee | Twitching

Twitching of the thumb | Twitching

Twitching of the thumb Thumb twitches are characterized by involuntary, not consciously controllable, sudden contraction of the thumb muscles. This can include a thumb movement. In addition, a tingling and burning sensation in the thumb may accompany the movement. The twitching can be pronounced to varying degrees. The phenomenon can be permanent or temporary. The … Twitching of the thumb | Twitching


Definition Twitching is the term used to describe muscle twitches, which can be divided into two different types. On the one hand there is the activation of muscle fibers, which does not lead to any movement in the body, but only to a localized tension in the muscle tissue. They are called fasciculations and are … Twitching

Tapes – Overstretched | Ligaments of the spine – anatomy

Tapes – Overstretched The ligaments of the spine serve to provide stability and to slow down excessive movements. If they are overstretched, they lose their protective function towards the spinal cord. The spinal column can then become unstable. It is possible that the vertebral bodies shift against each other. In the worst case, the instability … Tapes – Overstretched | Ligaments of the spine – anatomy

Pulling in the hollow of the knee – Is that dangerous?

Introduction A pulling in the hollow of the knee can sometimes be very unpleasant, especially if it lasts for a long time. The popliteal fossa is a complex anatomical region because it contains a multitude of tendons, vessels, nerves and muscles. Depending on the situation in which pulling occurs in the popliteal fossa, the causes … Pulling in the hollow of the knee – Is that dangerous?