The symptoms | Neurodermatitis

The symptoms The skin symptoms are usually symmetrical and dry skin is often accompanied by severe itching, which in patients leads to a craving for scratching. This, however, worsens the situation by causing weeping eczema. Depending on the age of the patient, different symptoms occur. Atopic dermatitis in infancy is characterized by weeping and inflammatory … The symptoms | Neurodermatitis

The localization | Neurodermatitis

The localization The face is affected by neurodermatitis, especially in babies. As the skin becomes more susceptible to allergens as a result of the neurodermatitis disease, the face is particularly affected in infancy, puberty and adulthood when the facial skin reacts to cosmetics, other care products or clothing materials, for example. The treatment of neurodermatitis … The localization | Neurodermatitis

What role does the psyche play in neurodermatitis? | Neurodermatitis

What role does the psyche play in neurodermatitis? Neurodermatitis is not a neurological or psychological disease. However, emotional stress can provoke the onset of neurodermatitis. These include stress, anger, grief or even nervousness. Thus many affected persons report also that the Neurodermitis becomes worse, if they are not well. However, since those affected often suffer … What role does the psyche play in neurodermatitis? | Neurodermatitis

Is neurodermatitis contagious? | Neurodermatitis

Is neurodermatitis contagious? Neurodermatitis is not contagious. The cause of neurodermatitis is not yet known, but a genetic predisposition is suspected. This means, firstly, that neurodermatitis is hereditary and often other skin diseases can be found within the family. A predisposition to the increased formation of antibodies, which are involved in inflammatory reactions and allergies, … Is neurodermatitis contagious? | Neurodermatitis


Definition Neurodermatitis Neurodermatitis is an eczema that occurs in infants as milk crust and in later life mainly affects the elbows, back of the knee and neck. Eczema is an acute or chronic disease of the epidermis (so-called epidermis) with extensive skin changes that are not clearly distinguishable from healthy skin. This is an inflammation. … Neurodermatitis