Therapy of a slipped disc of L3/L4 | Herniated disc of L3/L4

Therapy of a slipped disc of L3/L4 The aim of the therapy is to eliminate the symptoms and – if necessary – to reintegrate the patient socially and professionally. Various therapies are available for this purpose: Early therapy with painkillers, injection of local anaesthetics in the area of the affected nerve root, physiotherapy (physiotherapy, massage, … Therapy of a slipped disc of L3/L4 | Herniated disc of L3/L4

When will I get better? | Herniated disc of L3/L4

When will I get better? It can take several weeks or even months until a herniated disc heals completely. It is important to start early pain therapy and exercise therapy without further stressing the spine. If the spinal column and back muscles are not strengthened afterwards, it can also lead to repeated slipped discs. Prophylaxis … When will I get better? | Herniated disc of L3/L4

Anatomy excursion: These are the identifying muscles | Herniated disc of L3/L4

Anatomy excursion: These are the identifying muscles An identifying muscle denotes a functional impairment of a muscle which, with this functional impairment, indicates the nerve that is injured. If the spinal cord roots L3 /L4 are irritated, the nerves supplying the thigh muscles are affected. These include the M. quadriceps femoris, M. iliopsoas and the … Anatomy excursion: These are the identifying muscles | Herniated disc of L3/L4

Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?

Associated symptoms A symptom often associated with burning toes is numbness that is felt on the same or adjacent toes. Also, sensations such as a slight tingling sensation, similar to the sensation when a fallen asleep foot “wakes up” again, are relatively common. In technical terminology such phenomena are called “paresthesias”. Another accompanying symptom is … Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?

Consequences of an operation | What are the consequences of a slipped disc?

Consequences of an operation The most commonly used surgical technique for removing a herniated disc is open surgery (microsurgical discectomy). With this procedure, even in complicated and severe cases, one has full insight into the area to be operated. This operation requires a general anaesthetic, which in turn is associated with risks. Especially in older … Consequences of an operation | What are the consequences of a slipped disc?

Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Introduction The cervical spine consists of seven cervical vertebrae. The intervertebral discs are each located between two vertebral bodies of the spine and are responsible for the mobility of the spine. An intervertebral disc consists of two parts of an outer zone, the annulus fibrosus and a gelatinous core, the nucleus pulposus. In the context … Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Forecast Overall, the prognosis of a slipped disc in the cervical spine is good. In most patients, the symptoms and the herniated disc are already receding through conservative therapy. In advanced cases, surgery unfortunately cannot guarantee a complete resolution of the symptoms, but an improvement of the symptoms can occur. Causes With the age of … Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Characteristics | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Characteristics Identifying muscles are those muscles that are only supplied by a corresponding nerve root. In the event of a failure of an identifying muscle, it is therefore possible to determine exactly which nerve root must be constricted. One can therefore determine the exact height of the herniated disc. Between the cervical vertebrae C5/C6, the … Characteristics | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

Introduction In up to ninety percent of all patients with a herniated disc, purely conservative treatment is sufficient. In some patients the symptoms disappear completely after a few weeks. There are different constellations of findings, under which an operation is possible. If the conservative treatment fails, surgery is considered. In the presence of paralysis and … When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?