Physiotherapy for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

The tissue between the individual vertebrae of the spine is called intervertebral disc. In simple terms, intervertebral discs are round plate-like structures with a gel-like core and a harder outer shell. The intervertebral discs form a kind of joint between the individual vertebrae and thus enable movement and at the same time act as dampers. … Physiotherapy for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Sports with a herniated disc | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Sports with a herniated disc Sport is particularly important in the case of a slipped disc in the cervical spine. Many think of a herniated disc first of all of strict bed rest and protection. However, this is only partly correct. Of course, sports that burden the spine should be avoided. These are especially contact … Sports with a herniated disc | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc in the cervical spine

Exercises 9

“Stretch Hamstring” Just lie on your back and put both legs down. Now lift one leg as far as it will go up to the ceiling and hold it up. You can hold the lifted leg with both hands. Pull the heel towards the ceiling and the tips of your toes towards your nose. Then … Exercises 9

Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow

A golfer’s elbow (also called “golfer’s arm”) is when the flexors of the hand cause pain due to overloading. This happens particularly with longer, unaccustomed strain and untrained musculature, with continuous, one-sided load with sport and in the occupation everyday life (PC work, assembly line work). In this case the pain manifests itself on the … Physiotherapy for a golfer’s elbow