Pain in the rear thigh

Introduction Pain in the back of the thigh can have numerous causes and varies in its severity and pain quality. Temporary signs of overstrain or injury are common causes, but often there are also complaints due to muscular imbalances or wear and tear. Some pains are harmless and only of short duration, but some are … Pain in the rear thigh

Symptoms of a torn muscle fiber on the forearm | Torn muscle fibre of the forearm

Symptoms of a torn muscle fiber on the forearm In the case of a torn muscle fiber, severe pain in the forearm occurs immediately after the event. These can be felt both under stress and at rest. Every movement of the affected muscle increases the pain. The affected person adopts a gentle position of the … Symptoms of a torn muscle fiber on the forearm | Torn muscle fibre of the forearm

Burning in the elbow

What is meant by burning in the elbow? A burning sensation in the elbow is a disease that affects the structures of the elbow and usually involves inflammation. The inflammatory processes are similar to allergies and are accompanied by warming and burning in the affected area. The cause of the inflammation can be a disease … Burning in the elbow

Diagnosis | Burning in the elbow

Diagnosis The diagnosis is first made by the doctor by asking specifically about the patient’s symptoms, previous illnesses and the activity he/she has performed. In addition, the elbow is examined closely, paying particular attention to changes such as redness, swelling and malpositioning. A palpation of the joint and a test of mobility provides further insight … Diagnosis | Burning in the elbow

Fatigue fracture in the foot

Synonyms in a broader sense Fatigue fracture, stress fracture, march fracture, insufficiency fracture Definition/Introduction A fatigue fracture of the foot is a creeping fracture of the bone (fracture), which occurs due to overloading, frequent, one-sided or constantly repeated loading (cyclic loading). It develops over a longer period of time. However, the force acting on the … Fatigue fracture in the foot

Diagnosis | Fatigue fracture in the foot

Diagnosis Since a fatigue fracture is not associated with a clear fracture event, diagnosis is usually made late.Diagnostic measures for the detection of a fatigue fracture are, on the one hand, the clinical examination of the foot for certain fracture signs (fracture signs) such as axial malpositioning of the bone, bone crackling (crepitation), abnormal mobility … Diagnosis | Fatigue fracture in the foot

Duration of a torn muscle fiber on the upper arm | Torn muscle fiber of the upper arm

Duration of a torn muscle fiber on the upper arm Depending on the extent and severity of the ruptured muscle fiber, the time until complete healing occurs and full loading of the affected muscle is possible again varies considerably. But also the early treatment including cooling and protection is of crucial importance for the regeneration … Duration of a torn muscle fiber on the upper arm | Torn muscle fiber of the upper arm