The palate

Definition The palate is the structure between oral cavity and nasal cavity. It forms both the roof for the oral cavity and the floor for the nasal cavity. Diseases of the palate Pain in the palate can have many different causes and take on different forms. A precise diagnosis of the occurrence of palatal pain … The palate

Anatomical structures around the palate | The palate

Anatomical structures around the palate The following structures can be distinguished anatomically: The hard and the soft palate The soft palate The palatal tonsils The uvula The palatal arch Palatal Musculature The palate is part of the upper jaw bone (maxilla) and is divided into two sections. The hard palate (Palatum durum) and the soft … Anatomical structures around the palate | The palate

Swollen palate and toothache | Swelling of the palate

Swollen palate and toothache A throbbing, persistent toothache and a swollen palate often indicate an inflammation of the tooth root. Tooth root inflammation is usually caused by caries, which has penetrated to the very core of the tooth, the pulp. The inflammation can also affect the gums and lead to bleeding gums. Therapeutically, a root … Swollen palate and toothache | Swelling of the palate

Course of oral thrush | Gingivostomatitis herpeticaThe oral thrush

Course of oral thrush In the oral cavity there is a characteristic course of the “mouth rot”. At first, numerous pinhead-sized blisters appear on highly inflamed mucous membranes. The number is about fifty to over one hundred individual vesicles. However, these only have a short residence time and turn into yellowish, mostly circular depressions, so-called … Course of oral thrush | Gingivostomatitis herpeticaThe oral thrush